September 30, 2020
Our weather was up and down for the week. Monday and Tuesday we had a frost again. Wednesday, Thursday and Friday were nice. Saturday we had early morning fog and very light rain. Sunday was rainy early and the afternoon was great. Had lots of sun and warmth. Was a good day to take a long walk. The leaves are turning pretty quickly. Don’t know if that is a sign or not. Hope we get some more summer like weather.
Deanna Middaugh and her sister, Mary Jane Rolls, both from Elmira, NY, came to Lopez last week one day to check out the old places. Deanna’s daughter, Jennifer Middaugh, Ithaca, NY, had asked her mother what she wanted for her birthday. Deanna mentioned that she and Mary Jane had talked about coming back to Lopez to visit various places and go to the cemetery. So, that was Jennifer’s birthday present to her Mom. Deanna and Mary Jane are the daughters of Sophia Homza. They also enjoyed lunch at the Jolly Trolley in Dushore.
Carole Kilgus will be having a late Memorial Day yard sale on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th of October at her home on Dutch Mountain Road. Check the yard sale ads to see time and what’s available.
St. Vladimir’s Church has pierogies for sale the first and third Sunday of the month from Noon to 1 p.m. at the Church Hall. To order, call 570-928-8909.
Congratulations to Barb Davis on being chosen Citizen of the Year. Couldn’t go to a better person. She does so much for Sullivan County and is deserving of this award.
Next Civic meeting will be on WEDNESDAY, the 21st, 6 p.m. at the Township Building. Getting too cold to meet at the Pavilion. Hope to see you there. Membership dues are now due. See Heather McDonald to renew yours or to become a member of the Civic Association. Would be good to get some new people in and maybe help out with activities. Only costs a buck.
Adel Bradshaw took advantage of the nice weather and spent a couple of days at her home here.
I see the gardens are slowly winding down and the flower beds and baskets are about done too. I think lots of canning and freezing was done with the produce and will be good for the winter weather.
I see some folks are getting out and about and starting to come to their homes and cabins. I did see on Channel 16 that Sullivan County has another virus case. Lets hope that’s the last one. We’re still doing the social distancing, wearing masks and washing our hands.
Haven’t seen the bear(s) around lately or many deer. We have seen a bunch of turkeys in the field across the street. I think the humming birds have finally all gone South. We’ve had our feeder out for those stragglers, but haven’t seen any for a couple of days.
Guess that’s about it. Enjoy your week. I did hear it’s supposed to hit 70-75 and that will feel so good. I did hear sporadic showers but will be warm. Just gotta put up with what we get. It’s getting that time of year for the weather to start changing. Have news call me at 570-928-9238; mail me; see me; or e-mail me at I will get it in for you. Thanks for reading and I’ll be here next time.