July 17, 2024
Was another warm week with temperatures in the 80’s and very humid. Did have some rain and the power has been blinking off and on for days. Will be hot for the week again with maybe more rain on the way. Gardens are producing and mostly doing well. The flowers are so pretty and many colors. The humming birds are still around and so much fun to watch.
Joe and Diane Fanning, along with Molly, Landenberg, spent a few days at their home here and had some nice days to get outside work done.
St. Vladimir’s Church has pierogies for sale the first and third Sunday of the month. To order call 732-221-2803 or 440-645-9719. They can be picked up at the Church Hall from Noon to 1 p.m.
Old Home Day is fast approaching on Saturday, August 3rd. Volunteers are really needed. If you have some free time, please try and help to make the day another success. Contact Jodi at 971-5002 or Kathy at 610-413-6439 to let them know.
Brian McGuire and Nina Weslowski spent an enjoyable weekend in Allentown with her parents, Gerry and Paula Weslowski.
Happy Birthday to Adam Aharonian, 18th; Evalyn Lansberry and Sister Ella Mae McDonald, 20th; Matt Dayton, 21st; and Billy Stasiak, 22nd. Hope you all have a nice day.
To fertilize potted plants, sprinkle Epsom salts around the base of the plant once every week. Also works great for tomatoes and other vegetables.
I guess that’s about it for this time. Enjoy your week. If it’s terribly hot, make sure to stay hydrated and out of the sun as much as possible. For outdoor workers that will be harder to do, so just take a break every now and then. Have news, give me a call at 570-928-9238; mail me; see me; or e-mail me at news@lopezpa.com I will get it in for you. I’ll be here next time and thanks for reading.

The Welcome To Lopez sign originally placed in Memory of Gordon Papke, has been restored. The Lopez Civic Association along with Buddy Papke, had it refinished and placed. In photo is Alex Stavisky, Jodi Brumwell, Clair Johnson, Robert McGuire.
July 17, 2024 — No Comments
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