October 17, 2018
Wow!! Frost was on the pumpkins on Sunday morning. Saturday was
a cold day too. Sun was out on Sunday, off and on, but there was a
cold breeze. The leaves are all off the trees and the hills are drab
looking. I heard we are to get some nice weather later in the week
and I hope that’s true. Listening to TV just now on Sunday evening,
they are saying rain for Tuesday and cold the rest of the week. Don’t
like that report at all. We need more warm weather. We had hardly
any summer. But………Mother Nature does what Mother Nature does.
I got an e-mail from Doug Weaver voicing his opinion on some
comments I’ve made in my news about archery hunters. I do agree with
him “that a majority of the archery hunters, both “he” and “she” are
ethical, safe and promote wildlife conservation objectives”. I
apologize to Doug, his hunter friends, and any others I may have
offended. I do take comments seriously and I thank him for his
e-mail. Good luck hunters.
Mark you calendar so you can attend the New Albany Volunteer Fire
Department play this year. It will be held on November 10, 11, 16
and 17. Plays start at 7 p.m. except for the 11th, which will be at 2
p.m. This years’ title is “A Fractured Sequel” and will focus on “The
Love Boat”; Charlie’s Angels; Cheers; LaVerne and Shirley; Married,
With Children; The Beverly Hillbillies; and “The Golden Girls”. Watch
social media for more information. Hope you can support the local
Fire Company.
St. Vladimir’s Church has pierogies for sale. To order, call
There are probably other activities that will be coming up, so
keep your eye on the Sully for those you might be interested in.
Happy Birthday wishes to Ted Hubiak 20th; Aine Lee McDonald,
21st; and Maddie Pochatko, 24th. Have a good day.
Happy Anniversary to Kevin and Terry Bullis, 20th; and Bruce and
Helen Amon, 24th. Congratulations and have a great day.
Don’t forget that Election Day will soon be here. Get out and
vote. Election Day is Tuesday, November 6th. Mark your calendar now
so you won’t forget.
Get your Halloween costume ready and come to the Civic
Association party on the 31st, 6 p.m. at the Pavilion. Treats and
prizes. Hope to see you there.
St. Vladimir’s Church will have their Ethnic Foods dinner on
Sunday, the 25th of November from Noon to 5 p.m. You can eat in or
take out. Have questions, call 570-928-1099. Mark your calendar and
support the local Church and have a good meal.
Guess that’s the news for now. Enjoy your week, whatever the
weather is. Have news call me at 570-928-9238; mail me; see me or
e-mail me at news@lopezpa.com. I’ll get it in for you. Thanks for
reading and I’ll be here next time.
South side of the Main Street bridge is coming along nicely.