November 4, 2020
Hope you all had a “spooky” Halloween. Weather wasn’t too bad; a little windy, but kids didn’t seem to mind while out for trick or treat. Early week it was foggy pretty much every day. Had lots of wind again and Friday we had a tad of snow. Sunday was cold, windy and rainy all day. I heard it’s to warm up but I don’t know about that. Sure hope so.
Mother Seraphima and Sister Christine came in from the Monastery in Ellwood City to spend some time here. They enjoyed walking the Haystacks trail and also the Ricketts Glen Falls trails. They attended Liturgy at St. Vladimir’s Church on Sunday and left later in the day.
Mark, Tatania and Sophia Fenster enjoyed a few days at their home on Church Street.
TJ, Alison and Jase Lowden, along with Wesson, also spent time at their home on Church Street.
Mark and family, TJ and family got together with Dustin Burke family and Mike McDonald family and had a fun Halloween day in the Lowden’s back yard.
St. Vladimir’s Church has pierogies for sale the first and third Sunday of the month, from Noon to one p..m. at the Church Hall. Call 570-928-8909 to order yours.
Brock and Victoria came from Allentown to spend the weekend with Nina Weslowski and Brian McGuire. Had a great time while they were here.
Next Civic meeting will be on Wednesday, November 18th, 6 p.m. at the Township Building. Will be the last meeting for this year. Still have time to renew your membership or join the Civic Association. See Heather McDonald.
Happy Birthday to Tim Bullis, November 5th; Devon DeSanto and Tai Iwancio, 6th;Teri Bullis, 7th; Grayson Burke will be 5 years old on the 8th; and Brian McGuire, 11th. Hope you all have a nice day.
November 11th is Veterans Day so be sure to thank those who have served or are serving to keep us free. Thanks to those who have passed on for serving their country. God Bless to all.
I think that’s about it for this time. Enjoy your week, whether it’s cold, hot, rainy or anywhere in between. It could be a lot worse. Think of those down South with the hurricanes and those out West with the fires and remember how lucky we are. Have news call me at 570-928-9238; mail me; see me; or e-mail me at I will get it in for you. Thanks for reading and I will be here next time. Stay safe. Wear your mask, practice social distancing and WASH your hands. Hopefully the virus will soon be a thing of the past.