November 13, 2019
Guess we have to expect this cold weather we’re getting. It’s that time of year, even though it’s a little early. We had some really cold mornings and some nice days when it warmed up. Saturday we had only 7 degrees early, but did get nice during the day. We did have some snow that covered the grass and the road, but the sun took care of that pretty quickly. Heard we are to get an arctic blast during the week and then warm up again. Mother Nature still wants to play tricks on us.
St. Vladimir’s Church has pierogies for sale. To order call 570-928-8909 and leave a message with your order on the phone. There will be pierogie pick up on Sunday from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Next Civic meeting will be on Tuesday, the 19th, 6 p.m. at the Township Building.
I missed some birthdays again last week. So, Happy Belated Birthday to Grayson Burke who turned 4 on the 8th; and to “B” who celebrated on the 11th. Hope you had a good day.
Happy Birthday to Aiden Sperry, 13th; Monica Black, 16th; Alek Laird and Mike McDonald, 19th; and Jaeden Patson, 20th. Have a nice day.
Happy Anniversary to TJ and Alison Lowden as the celebrate on the 17th. Have a super day.
Bob and I had visitors on Saturday when his sister, Lola Mattie, Forty Fort, and his niece, Georgia Martin, Swoyersville, stopped by to visit. They also visited next door with their cousin, Irene Pequignot, Linden, who had come to spend the weekend at her home here. Nice time for all.
Don’t know if there is hunting now or not. If so, good luck to all. I don’t hunt so don’t keep tract of the schedule.
We still have a couple of Lopez mugs in stock for sale. We have 2013 (EUB Church) and 2015 (Jackson Hotel). $20 each. If shipped, postage is extra. They make nice Christmas gifts. If interested, contact me at the information below.
Still don’t get out much, but improving every day. Thanks for the get well cards. They are appreciated.
I failed to mention Veterans Day last week, so hope you thanked those who have served and are serving to keep us safe and free. They are an elite bunch of men and women doing a great job for our country.
Guess that’s about it. Keep and eye on the Sully for things going on. I’m sure there will be some. Have news, call me at 570-928-9238; mail me; see me; or e-mail me at I will get it in for you. Thanks for reading and I’ll be here next time.