November 6, 2019
Well, hope you all remembered to turn your clocks back on Sunday morning. I failed to mention it in my news last week.
We had some really frosty, cold, windy days and had some really nice days too. Guess it’s that time of year to expect the weather we’re getting.
The Civic Association Halloween party was a big success, despite the rain, wind and even a tornado warning. The kids had a great time and Brian had the trailer decorated and covered to keep the rain out. Thanks to all who donated to make this a fun event. Thanks to Nina and Brian for chairing and the judges. Hope next year is as much fun.
St. Vladimir’s Church has pierogies for sale. To order call 570-928-8909 and leave a message on the phone. There will be pierogie pick up on Sunday from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Next Civic meeting will be on Tuesday, the 19th, 6 p.m. at the Township Building.
I failed to mention birthdays and anniversaries so here are some for the end of October.
Happy Belated birthday wishes to Maddie Pochatko, 24 October; Marty Watley, 25th; Makayla Day, 27th, Lydia Spinosa, 28th; and Leo McDonald and Misty Pequignot, 31st. Hope you had a nice day.
Happy Belated anniversary to Bruce and Helen Amon, 24 October; Tom and Kristin Iwancio, 25th and Marty and Dee Whatley, 27th. Hope it was great.
Here are some birthdays for the first part of November. Tim Bullis, 5th; Devon DeSanto and Tai Iwancio, 6th; and Terry Bullis, 7th. Have a nice day.
Guess that’s about it. I haven’t been out and about too much yet, so keep and eye on the Sully for things that may be going on that you’d like to attend. I hear we may get a few flurries and some rain during the week, then get nice again. Have news, call me at 570-928-9238; mail me; see me or e-mail me at I will get it in for you. Enjoy your week. Thanks for reading and I’ll be here next time.
Again, as in the past, the civic association had their Halloween Social. Attendees were paraded around, Winners were picked, they were given a goodies bag, fed cookies candy and punch and then Brian got them loaded on his COVERD hay trailer to cruse around town to stop at the homes that had their porch light on. The costumed group covered Lopez and added more goodies to their stach. A great night was had by all.
