November 1, 2017
WOW!! Weather report was for rain and we sure are getting some. As I sit here Sunday evening at 9:45 p.m. typing my news it is pouring. Hopefully I’ll get done before it gets terribly windy and the power goes out. The rain is needed and it isn’t all that cold. No thunder yet, but may get a little at some point. Can’t complain as we’ve had some pretty warm, nice days for this time of year. Maybe we’ll have a mild winter. Have to see what Mother Nature has in store for us.
Happy Belated Birthday to Maddie Pochatko as she celebrated on the 24th of October. Hope you had a good day.
Don’t forget. New Albany Volunteer Fire Company is presenting their play, “Fractured 70’s”. It will be held at the Social Hall. Dates are November 4, 5, 10 & 11, with a matinee on Sunday, the 5th at 2 p.m. Other dates the time is 7 p.m. The play will feature Charlie’s Angels, Green Acres, The Brady Bunch, Happy Days, Three’s Company, All in the Family and Gilligan’s Island. There will be bag auctions, basket raffles, lots of good food and beverages. If you haven’t been to one of their plays, you should go. Lots of laughs and good entertainment.
St. Vladimir’s Church has pierogies for sale. To order, call 570-928-1099.
Bob, Jr. and Tyler McGuire, Hunlock Creek, visited on Saturday with Bob, JoAnn, Brian McGuire and Nina Weslowski.
FLASH: Don’t forget……..Sunday, the 5th, to turn your clocks BACK one hour. Daylight savings time ends that day. I don’t like it at all; it will be dark so early, it will seem like bedtime at 7 p.m.
Irene Pequignot, Linden, visited her mother, Mrs. Irene Huray on Sunday.
Sympathy from the community to the family, relatives and many friends of Protodeacon Keith Russin, Plains, who passed away on the 26th. He had many friends in Lopez and was well known. He owned and operated the Russin Funeral Homes in Plains and Edwardsville. Mother Christophora and Mother Magdalena, Orthodox Monastery, Ellwood City, attended the services, held in Wilkes-Barre on Wednesday and Thursday and then traveled to Lopez to stay at St. Nicholas House.
Happy Birthday wishes to Tim Bullis, 5th; Devon DeSanto and Tai Iwancio, 6th; Terry Bullis, 7th; and Grayson Burke will be 2 on the 8th. Have a nice day, all.
Happy Anniversary to V Rev Gary and Georgette Matychak as they celebrate on the 10th.
HINT: “Just cooked fish? Painted a room? Did something else that has a smell? Pour vinegar into a glass bowl and set it in the affected area for 30 minutes.”
Keep an eye on the Sully for things going on around the County. Guess that’s the news for now. Enjoy your week; the rain is to stop and may get cooler, but not too bad that we can’t handle it.
As I finish typing my news, it’s still pouring. Have news call me at 579-928-9238; mail me; see me; or e-mail me at I’ll get it in for you. Thanks for reading and I’ll be here next time.
The LOPEZ “BOOO MOBILE” loads up with happy trickers
Brian’s LOPEZ HALLOWEEN BOOO MOBILE off to do Trick or Treating