November 15, 2017
Since I had no news in last week, here is what was supposed to be in.
The Lopez Civic Halloween party was held at the Pavilion on the 31st. Was pretty darn cold, but all seemed to have a good time. Judges were Tanya Stasiak, Tim and Lori Higley and Marty Slocum. They had a fun time picking the winners. There were some different and neat costumes this year. Winners were: 0-3 – Funny – Axl Baton; Pretty – Hailey Mensch; Cute – Grayson Burke. 4-7 – Funny – Cameron Murrary; Pretty – Gemma Monachino; Scary – Reese Baton. 8-11 – Funny – Kaeleigh McDonald; Pretty – Sara Silfie; Scary – Kyleigh McDonald; 12 – Up – Funny – Dakota Higley; Scary – Katherine Kapler and Eric Applegate; Pretty – Ashley Bender.
Thanks to Nina Weslowski for chairing this event; thanks to those who donated “goodies” for the treat bags. Special thanks to “B” for again this year donating the hay wagon, decorated with skeletons, lighted pumpkins and other “spooky” things. Parents and kids had a great time riding around to the many houses to get their treats. They all came back to the Pavilion for extra cookies and hot chocolate to take off the chill. Looking forward to next year.
Sympathy to the family and relatives of Julie (Sisco) Chresomales who recently passed away. She was born in Lopez. Her obituary was in last weeks paper. She was 100 years old.
The news for the week 15th includes some really cold weather, some snow flurries and very windy conditions. Supposed to warm up this week and hope it will.
If you missed the New Albany Volunteer Fire Company play over the weekend, you missed an excellent show. Lots of laughs, some “goofs”, but really have to give many thanks to these volunteers who put a lot of time and effort into the play each year; all on their own time. Saturday night was full house plus. It was GREAT!!!
Happy Birthday wishes to Aiden Sperry, 13th; Monica Black, 16th; Alek Laird and Mike McDonald, 19th. Hope you all have a great day.
B’s gang says HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY as he celebrated on the 11th. Hope is was fantastic. After seeing the play on Saturday evening, I’d say it was.
Happy Anniversary to TJ and Allison Lowden as they celebrate their anniversary on the 17th. Congrats and many more.
Next Civic meeting will be held on Tuesday, the 21st, 6 p.m. at the Township Building.
HINT: “The healing properties of the active ingredients in VaporRub provide plenty of healing power for minor cuts and bruises. Just apply a bit of the gel to your would and cover with a bandage.”
Marc and Lisa Fenster, along with grand daughters, Lily and Eva, Philadelphia, spent a few days at their home on Church Street. They always have such a good time with Kaeleigh and Kyleigh McDonald while they are here.
St. Vladimir’s Church has pierogies for sale. To order, call 579-928-1099.
TJ and Allison Lowden, Marlton, NJ, spent a few days at their home on Church Street.
I guess that’s the news for now. Hope I got it all. Enjoy your week; it’s to hit 50!!!! I’ll take it. Have news give me a call at 570-928-9238; mail me; see me; or e-mail me at I’ll get it in for you. Thanks for reading and I’ll be here next time.