May 10, 2017
What a miserable week we’ve had. From Monday to now as I type this news. We were without power for many, many hours starting on Monday. We also had no phones for a couple days. The electric guys worked very diligently getting power restored as fast as they could. There was a crew from Morristown, NJ, that worked on Church Street and got our power restored. Many were without power much longer, so guess we were one of the lucky ones. All it does is rain, wind blows and it’s very cold. Sunday the temperature never got up above 43 degrees; sure felt like March weather. Last I heard, “maybe” by Tuesday it will start to warm up. Think Mother Nature is trying to tell us something?? There was a good frost on Thursday when we hit 27 degrees. Hopefully, the gardens and flower beds haven’t been done quite yet. There were many generators running that you could hear all over town. Was hard to find someplace to get gas as most stations had no power so couldn’t pump gas.
Rev Mother Christophora and Mother Magdalena, Ellwood City, were coming on Thursday to spend a few days at St. Nicholas House. We got in touch with them and said no power, no phones. They were quite far this way so spent the night at a hotel in Williamsport. Informed them on Friday that power was restored, so they came on to Lopez. Left Lopez to do a retreat in Corning, NY, and the power had gone off again just as they were leaving, but did come back on when they returned. So, they stayed until Sunday since all was good after all. Was a different life style for a few days for everyone.
Sts. Peter and Paul Byzantine Church on Church Street will have liturgy on Sunday, May 28th, at 4 p.m. There will blessing of the graves after liturgy. All are welcome. Mark your calendar now so you won’t forget.
Don’t forget the dumpster will be at the Township Building on Saturday, June 3rd, from 8 a.m. to Noon. Watch the Sully for their ad.
Mother’s Day is coming up on Sunday, the 14th. And, you can be a Mother of all kinds, not just biological, so hope you all have a fantastic day with loved ones.
Don’t forget Election Day is Tuesday, the 16th, so get out and do your civic duty and vote. It’s our freedom and our right to vote.
Next Civic meeting will be on Wednesday, the 17th, 6 p.m. at the Pavilion. If we keep up with this weather, it will be at the Township Building. Note change of day, due to Election Day on Tuesday.
St. Vladimir’s Church has pierogies for sale. To order, please call 570-928-1099.
HINT: “Next time you boil or steam your veggies, don’t pour the water down the drain. Use it to water you plants. You’ll be amazed by how well your plants respond to “veggie soup”.” (My mother-in-law did this not only with veggie water, but also with her dish water and contents of tea bags. Maybe that’s why her plants did so well.)
Happy Birthday wishes to Cory McDonald, 15th; Marian Hubiak, 19th; Janet Weidner, 22nd. Hope you all have a good day.
Happy Anniversary to Tim and Bobbi Jo Brown as they celebrate on the 21st. Congrats and have a super day.
Mr. Neubauer’s little brown book for this day (Sunday) 1974 is about the same weather as we’re having right now.
Guess that’s the news from cold Lopez. Hopefully we’ll see the sun again soon. Have news call me at 570-928-9238, mail me, see me, or e-mail me at I’ll get it in for you. Thanks for reading and I’ll be here next time.