June 3, 2020
We finally had a pretty nice week for a change. Was warm, sunny and breezy and was good. We did have a couple of thunder storms that dumped a lot of rain on Friday. Sunday was the coolest morning when the thermometer read 38 degrees. Did warm up, but not much and the wind was wicked all day. Guess it’s time to cover the flowers and gardens to keep the frost away.
Sympathy from the community to the family, relatives and friends of George (Georgie) Baton III who passed away on Monday, the 25th, due to an automobile accident. He will certainly be missed.
Sympathy also the the family and friends of Paul Robinson who passed away. He was the owner of the former Grid Iron Hotel here in town. Nice man.
Don’t forget, Tuesday, June 16th, 6 p.m. Civic meeting at the Pavilion.
Summer is about here but kids have been out of school since this pandemic. Please drive a little slower when going through town and on Church Street. Lots of little ones, as well as older ones, out and about and I’ve seen some speeders. Take it easy. We don’t need any unnecessary accidents.
Well, Sullivan County is now up to three confirmed cases of the virus since another person just tested positive. Sure wish this would end. Please take precautions when going out. Wear a mask, practice social distancing, use hand sanitizer before and after touching things in public. Most summer activities have been cancelled. Just have to make the best of a not so good situation right now. Hopefully by the New Year it will be over and done with.
Happy Birthday to Sandy Kriel, 14th; and Nathan Kinsey, 17th. Have a nice day.
B’s Gang sends birthday wishes to Nina Weslowski on the 14th; and Marty Slocum on the 16th. Have a super day.
There are some that are slowly starting to come to their homes or cabins here, especially since the weather is getting nicer. There are turkey hunters around but I don’t know if anyone got any.
The bear has been around. Lowden’s had a Mama and two cubs at their house that took out their grill. Didn’t bother the burning barrel. Tim Brown had one that did turn over the barrel and snooped around. They are cute, but sure can do damage at one’s home.
Like watching the birds at the feeders and the deer on the hill across the street. They can entertain a person for a few minutes different times during the day.
I guess that’s it for now. Heard we are to get some rain during the week, but a little warmer. If you have news, give me a call at 570-928-9238; mail me; see me; or e-mail me at news@lopezpa.com. I will get it in for you. Enjoy your week. Thanks for reading and I’ll be here next time.
NOTICE…… good news, the pretty girl going into the Lopez school in the April 8th news is Agnas Bushofsky. She is Rossanne Lukachik’s aunt. Now maybe some one can ID the ladies in the April 18th news edition.