January 9, 2019
We’ve had some crazy weather already in the six days of January. Frosty, warm, rain, temperatures in the 40’s and 50’s. Never know what the day would bring. Friday the weather was warm enough to hang clothes out on the line…..and they dried. Was frosty early in the morning, but warmed up nice for the afternoon with the sun helping. We did have a couple of flurries on Sunday afternoon. The big thing is that we’ve had wind non-stop for such a long time. Of course Bob told my niece who lives in Arizona that we went the snow their way. They had quite a bit and were even able to make a snowman.
Hope those of you who go by the Julian calendar and celebrated Orthodox Christmas over the weekend, had a Blessed day with family and loved ones.
There will still be some things going on in the County for your enjoyment. I don’t think the Eagles Mere Toboggan slide will be running as they need twelve inches of good ice for this and we’ve not had that. Unless it gets really frigid, I think it will have to wait until next yer.
The Kiwanis Annual Winterfest will be held at Camp Brule coming up in February, so keep an eye on the Sully for that. Their big attraction is the Polar Bear Plunge. They do have lots of activities to take part in.
St. Vladimir’s Church has pierogies for sale. To order, call 570-928-1099.
HINT: “Did you know that taking a garlic and parsley capsule every day will lower your blood pressure.”
Happy Birthday to Craig Germany and John McDonald, Jr., 9th; Crystal Pequignot, 12th; and Adel Bradshaw, 20th. Hope you all have a good day.
Happy Anniversary to Ted and Linda Beaver, 12th; Ted and Mary Lowden, 17th. Congratulations and have a nice day.
B’s gang sends birthday wishes to Tyler Higley as he celebrates on the 13th. Have a good one.
If you’d like to become a member of the Lopez Civic Association or pay your dues, please see Heather McDonald. New members always welcome.
I think that’s it for this time around. Enjoy your week; may need the umbrella, if it’s not too windy, to keep the rain away. Have news, call me at 570-928-9238; mail me; see me; or e-mail me at news@lopezpa.com. I will put it in for you. Thanks for reading and keep sending those hints. I’ll be here next time.