January 31, 2018
Guess we’ve been having some “balmy” weather for this time of year. Early morning low temperatures, but the day warms up nicely. We’ve had middle to high forties almost all week. But………you know that Ground Hog day is coming February 2nd……………so we’ll most definitely have six more weeks of winter.
Bob McGuire, Jr. and son, Tyler, Hunlock Creek, visited with Bob and JoAnn McGuire on Sunday. Brian also stopped by to wish Tyler an early Happy Birthday. He will 17 years old on Ground Hog Day. Nice time visiting and playing games.
Get well to Mary Lowden who had the misfortune to hurt her foot when she dropped a “heavy small” item on it. Hope she’s doing better and will be getting around more soon. I guess Ted is a pretty good nurse and taking good care of her.
Happy Birthday wishes to Owen Evans and Scott Aharonian, 27th; Jennifer Pequignot-Laird, 28; and Lisa and Jason Burke, 30th. Some February birthdays coming up include Krya Vinetelli and Brian Dendler; 1st; Dee Whatley, 4th; and Helen Amon, 5th. Have a nice day.
HINT: “Rock salt sprinkled on sidewalks and driveways keeps snow from sticking to the pavement and allows it to be removed easily.” “Aching feet can be relieved by soaking feet in warm salt water.”
Keep an eye on the Sully for up-coming winter activities you may be interested in. If you like the cold, snowy weather, Winterfest is coming up in February with the Polar Bear plunge into the icy water. There are also many other activities planned.
Guess that’s about all the news for now. Enjoy your week; should be a little pleasant from what I’ve heard. Have news, call me at 570-928-9238; mail me; see me; or e-mail me at news@lopezpa.com. I’ll get it in for you. Thanks for reading and I’ll be here next time.