January 24, 2018
Weather started out pretty cold. Was minus four on Monday. Then a couple days of 8 degrees and 3 degrees and then went up nicely. Sunday afternoon it was 46 degrees. Supposed to warm up during the week also. Noreen Clark says February is to have above normal temperatures. Sure hope she’s right. Maybe we’ll see some geese coming back soon. I think there are to be a couple days of cold, then warm again. The kids enjoyed tubing on the hill again on Saturday. Their Dad even took a turn riding down the hill.
There will be winter activities going on in the County. Some may be cancelled, due to not enough snow. Check the Sully for all that information.
Nothing much to report. Now, with the nicer weather, maybe I’ll see more folks out and about.
Happy Birthday wishes Mike Stavisky down there in sunny Florida, on the 24th. Have a great day.
Happy Anniversary to Al and Jeannie Kapler as they celebrate on the 23rd. Have a good day.
HINT: “If you have a photo stuck on a page that you can’t get free, try using a blow dryer on the back of the page. It will loosen the photo from the page and the adhesive holding it there.”
From Mr. Neubauer’s little blue book: January 15, 1978 – clear and cold and zero. That’s cold. Same date, 2018, for us – some sun, 16 degrees to start the day.
I think that’s the news for now. Enjoy your week; should be half decent. Have news, give me a call at 57-928-9238; mail me; see me; or e-mail me at news@lopezpa.com. I’ll do my best to get it in. Thanks for reading and I’ll be here next time.