December 18, 2019
Weather was nice off an on during the last week. Had some higher temperatures with rain, but then Thursday it went down to 9 degrees. That ever present wind and cold is what bothers most. Hopefully, we’ll get some more nice weather. As I type this Sunday evening, it doesn’t look good for Monday into Tuesday and the rest of the week looks pretty good. Just have to wait and see what Mother Nature will bring us. A little snow is ok, but the rain, sleet and snow is a no-no. The rain did spoil some of the activities at Dushore on Saturday, but I’m sure there was enough for all to do, especially visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Santa Claus.
Congratulations to Kyleigh McDonald who was inducted, on the 18th, into the National Elementary Honor Society with the Agora home school program. Way to go Kyleigh. Keep up the good work.
St. Vladimir’s Church has pierogies and halupki for sale. To order, call 570-928-8909 and leave a message. Pick up will be on Sunday form 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Makes a nice meal for the Holidays.
TJ, Alison, and Jase, along with Wesson, Marlton, NJ, spent a couple of days at the home here and visited with his parents, Ted and Mary Lowden, Maple Terrace.
There probably are many more things that will be going on around the County in the next few weeks. Keep an eye on the Sully to see what might be coming up that you’d be interested in.
Good luck hunters. I guess there is still a little time left to get your deer. I’ve seen a lot of turkeys in the field, but not many deer.
Guess that’s the news. Enjoy your week. Get that last minute shopping done. Have news, call me at 570-928-9238; mail me; see me; or e-mail me at I will get your article in. Thanks for reading and your comments. I’ll be here next time.