December 15, 2021
Have been having some really fierce winds and some rain. Sunday was the best day. Saturday rained out the activities in Dushore.
Happy Birthday to Dylan Amon, 13th; Noah Brown, 14th; Carter Vermiere, 17th; and Rev Mother Christophora and Christian Santarelli, 19th. Hope you all have a good day.
You folks getting all your Christmas shopping done. Christmas will be here before we know it. Seems like time is flying by. I’ve seen more decorations out and some of the homes are really pretty with LOTS of lights and decorations. Make you want to get into the Christmas spirit.
The last Sully will be on December 22nd. For that issue I need to have your news by Noon on Ssturday, the 18th. So, if you have news, please let me know. Next issue of the Sully after that will be January 5th.
Not much to report. I did hear a few hunters got a deer or two. Some even got a bear. Good luck to all who are still hunting and hope you get what you go after.
Let’s hope that 2022 will be a much better year for everyone. Hopefully, the pandemic will be winding down, but last I heard, seems like there is always a new strain that seems to be worse than the previous one. Guess we still gotta wear the mask, practice the six foot rule and wash our hands often.
Hope all are feeling ok. I think that’s it. Enjoy your week. Seems like its supposed to be pretty nice. No snow on the horizon, from what I’ve seen. That’s ok with me. The less, the better.
If you have news call me at 570-928-9238; mail me; see me; or e-mail me at I will get it in for you. Thanks for reading and I’ll be here next time.
Merry Christmas Merry Christmas Merry Christmas