September 4, 2019
Hope you all enjoyed your Labor Day Holiday. Weather was really great for most of the week. Looks like we’re in for some rain, but we can handle that. It’s nothing compared to what folks in the South are experiencing from Hurricane Dorian.
Sullivan County Fair is over for this year. Next up is the Bow Hunter’s Festival, coming up next week. Watch the Sully for details on this event.
Bob and I were at World’s End State Park where he (UVBOB) did a fluorescent mineral program for the campers and some public there. There was a nice crowd of adults, and kids, that came. Thanks to Jane Swift for having us again this year.
St. Vladimir’s Church has pierogies for sale. To order, call 570-928-1099.
Happy Birthday wishes to Alexia Vermiere, 13th; JoAnn McDonald and Carmela Walosin, 19th. Have a nice day.
Happy Anniversary to Jim and Barbara Craig as they celebrate 59 years on the 10th. They are now residents of FL and hope they are missing Hurricane Dorian.
Anniversary wishes also to Scott and Susan Aharonian as they celebrate on the 14th. Have a nice day.
Alex Stavisky, Palm Bay, FL, spent quite some time in Lopez recently, doing some odd jobs at his place on Main Street. We enjoyed having him for a good, old fashioned “weinee” roast over an open fire and did lots of visiting, telling happenings, catching up and laughing. Was a great time! Bob said “best time ever”, thanks Al.
Next Civic meeting will be on Tuesday, the 17th, 6 p.m. at the Pavilion. Membership dues for 2020 are now due. If you haven’t paid 2019, now is the time to do that too. See Heather McDonald to pay your dues or become a member of the Civic Association.
Guess that’s it for now. We may have a few rainy days for the week, but enjoy whatever your plans are. Have news, call me at 570-928-9238; mail me; see me; or e-mail me at I’ll get it in for you. I’ll be here next time and thanks for reading.