November 25, 2020
We had some cloudy, rainy and windy days and a few nice days. Saw some geese go over on Wednesday afternoon. We did have a tad of snow on the ground one day during the week, but didn’t last long. The weather was perfect on Friday for doing the Christmas decorating at the Pavilion. I had 68 degrees at 3 p.m. Thanks to Les and Kathy Isett; Clair Johnson, Brian McGuire, Nina Weslowski and Bob and me we got it done. Sure different than last year when we were decorating in the sleet and freezing rain. This time was a pleasure. Hopefully it will look nice when we turn the lights on and it will be enjoyed by all during this pandemic.
St. Vladimir’s Church has pierogies for sale. They are available the first and third Sunday of the month, from Noon to 1 p.m. at the Church Hall. Will make good additions to your meals at Thanksgiving and Christmas.
Watch the Sully for the Civic meetings in the New Year. Civic dues still being taken by Heather McDonald. See her to renew or join.
On Sunday we saw four pick up trucks go up the hill and about a dozen orange clad hunters emerged and walked into the woods. Hope they had some luck. With that many hunters, the poor deer didn’t have a chance. Never saw them come out, so don’t know if they did get anything or maybe scouting for another time. I hear bear season is coming up, so good luck to all. Deer season will be in again after Thanksgiving.
Not much to report with the Covid cases on the rise all over. Best to social distance, wash your hands frequently and wear your mask. We all have to do our part. Support the local businesses, when you can. Helps to keep them going during this time.
HAPPY THANKSGIVING to all. Hope you have a blessed day. Enjoy as much as you can with close family, by phone and virtually. It’s amazing what the technology of today can do. Just think of those that are not with us this year. Think of the service men and women who are deployed to keep us safe. Please pray for their safety. Be thankful that you are safe. Hopefully this whole virus situation will just be a bad memory soon.
Enjoy your week. Have news, call me at 570-928-9238; mail me; see me; or e-mail me at I will get it in for you. Thanks for reading and I’ll be here next time.