November 2, 2016
What a weekend. Was miserable on Saturday with cold and wind. Sunday was very rainy with thunder and lightning, but at least the temperature went up to 61 degrees, which is unusual, so won’t complain. All week is to be pretty good, with temperatures in the upper 50’s.
Mary Kravetz recently was visited by her niece and husband, Mary Jane and Tom McDonald, Nesconset, Long Island, New York. They went out for lunch at Big Wheels Meat House in Dushore. Joining them for lunch were Annabelle Kravetz, Mildred; Debbie (Kravetz) McDonald, Muncy Valley; and Don and Irene (Kravitz) Risser, Millersville. After lunch, the group had dessert and coffee at the home of Annabelle Kravetz.
Don’t forget the play, “A Fractured Election” is coming up on Nov. 12th and 13th and Nov. 18th and 19th at the New Albany Fire Hall. These folks put on a fun play. They also have other things at the Hall to take part in. Attend this play and support the Fire Company.
NOTICE: Remember to turn your clocks BACK one hour on Sunday, November 6th.
Mrs. Irene Huray recently spent some time with her daughter, Irene Pequignot and family, Linden. They all helped her celebrate her birthday while she was there.
REMEMBER: Election Day is coming up on Tuesday, November 8th. Be sure you get out and vote. It’s your privilege to do that.
Haven’t heard if any of the hunters have been successful with either deer hunting or turkey hunting. I know Ted and Mary only have to go out their front door and they can have all the turkeys they want. They also had the bear the other evening and he did a job on the bird feeder and burning barrel. So, guess they haven’t hibernated yet; guess it’s too warm so they’ll stick around.
Adel Bradshaw, West Chester, spent a few days at her home on Church Street.
Hope everyone had a nice, safe Halloween. Weather was nice for Saturday and was supposed to be good for Monday too.
St. Vladimir’s Church has pierogies for sale. To order, call 570-928-1099.
HINT: “When you grate cheese to freeze, toss with a bit of cornstarch to keep it from sticking together.” “A few drops of lemon juice added to simmering rice will keep the grains separated.” (Have to try the rice one; mine is always a big blob.)
Guess that’s about the news for this time. Enjoy your week; never know what it’s going to do next. Have news, call me at 570-928-9238; mail me; see me; or e-mail me at Get it to me by late Sunday afternoon and I’ll get it in for you. Thanks for reading and I’ll be here next time.
Brian drove all the happy Halloweeners in the big hay wagon on a fun trip to all the homes that had their lights on to treat the kids. Good job Brian.