May 22, 2024
Well, we made it through another week with some nice days and some rainy days. Sunday was a really nice day with lots of sun and warm temperatures. We really don’t need any more rain. Someone said FL needs the rain. The grass doesn’t even grown since it hasn’t rained for a while. Haven’t seen as many humming birds as normal. I finally did see a couple deer in the Church yard and one lone ground hog. Haven’t seen turkeys and I don’t think the hunters up this way have either.
Happy Birthday to Janet Weidner, 22nd; Susan Aharonian, 24th; and Tanya Nitznski, 25th. Have a good day.
Happy Anniversary to Joe and Diane Fanning as they celebrate on the 28th. Enjoy your day.
Seems like there’s more activity going on the the County now, so keep an eye on the Sully and Face Book to see if something may interest you. There’s flea markets and yard sales, ice cream places with miniature golf opening; good food at local restaurants and always a sale at some store. Shop local and support these small businesses. They will thank you and you’ll be glad too.
Memorial Day is coming up soon. Hope you get to attend one or all of the services around the County. Check the Sully for dates and times of services.
For sunburn treatment, an Epsom salt bath is a great way to soothe irritated skin from sunburn Mix 1 cup of salts in warm bath water. Mix to combine and soak in the bath for 10-15 minutes.
Saturday, June 8th is the Lopez Community yard sale. Check out the homes that have items for sale. It’s from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. See what kind of treasure you might find to take home with you.
I see some are getting their gardens dug and ready for planting. The flower beds and hanging baskets are really pretty. The lilac bushes, both white and purple are so nice and smell so good. Hopefully it will be a nice growing season and everyone will have lots of produce for summer eating and even freeze or can some for the winter. I still have grated zucchini from last year in the freezer. Made a couple loaves of bread the other day. Always nice to have in the freezer in case someone stops by.
Guess that’s it for now. Enjoy your week, whatever you plan to do. I’m sure it’ll be interesting. May get some rain again on Thursday, but “it is what it is”. Gotta take it. Have news, call me at 570-928-9238; mail me; see me; or e-mail me at I will get it in for you. Thanks for reading and I’ll be here next time.