May 15, 2024
Weather is so unpredictable. It’s cold; it’s hot; it’s windy; it’s rainy. Never know what it’s going to do from day to day. I heard rain again for most of this week. We’ll see what Mother Nature has in store for us. We did have humming birds right after Bob put the feeder up. I like watching those pretty birds just flitting around. I did see one lonesome doe over the hill out back. Haven’t seen turkeys at all. We do have our chipmunk back, I think, from last year.
Congratulations to Eric and Katherine Kapler on the birth of their baby boy, William Wayne Kapler on the 7th. All are doing well. He joins two sisters, Erica and Kalynn at home.
We just returned from our grandson, Tyler’s graduation from Rochester Institute of Technology. He graduated Summa Cum Laude with a BS in Software Engineering and a BS in Economics. The hall was huge with thousands of spectators and some of those super large jumbo screens so people could see what was happening on stage. Bob managed to grab a shot off one of the screens, cause we couldn’t see the stage. CONGRATULATIONS TYLER. He has accepted a Software Engineering position with Lockheed Martin in Liverpool, NY. Also attending graduation ceremonies was Tyler’s Dad, Bob, Jr. and Marcia Pedro, and his Uncle “B” and Nina Weslowski. Was a nice time for all.
Happy Birthday to Cory McDonald and Deacon Burke, 15th; Ariella Siddle, 18th; and Marian Hubiak, 19th. Have a nice day.
Happy Anniversary to Tim and Bobbi Jo Brown as they celebrate on the 21st. Enjoy your day.
Congratulations to Alyssa Pequignot who graduated from Lock Haven with her second Bachelor’s degree for teaching. She is the daughter of Kevin Pequignot and Christine Bryan; and granddaughter of Irene (Huray) Pequignot. She lives in Williamsport with her son, Brayson and daughter, Ariella.
Did you know if you store your chunks of cheese in aluminum foil, it will last longer and not mold. I did not know this so will give it a try.
I know there were probably other locals out there who graduated from college. Congratulations and good luck in your future.
Remember, the next Civic meeting will be on the 22nd, 6 p.m. at the Pavilion. It’s a change in date.
Irene Pequignot spent a day at her home here last week getting some yard work done.
I hear there is still a lot of sickness going around, so hope most are being missed. If you do get one of the “bugs”, I hope you’re much better soon.
Guess that’s the news for now. Enjoy your day, even if it’s rainy. It’ll still be a great day. Have news, call me at 570-928-9238; mail me; see me around; or e-mail me at I will get it in for you. Thanks for reading and I’ll be here next time.