May 10, 2023
Hope you all had an enjoyable week. We had some really strange weather. Had snow flurries, had some nice days, had some really frosty days and had a good rain storm on Sunday. Hopefully, things will calm down and we’ll just get nice, warm, sunny weather. I’ll see if I can talk to Mother Nature about this. I did hear maybe some showers coming later in the week.
ATTENTION: Any Lopez kids who would like to march in the Memorial Day Parade for the Civic Association, please meet at the Post Office at 9:45. Parade starts at 10 a.m. Dustin and Sam Burke will be in charge and give each of you a flag to carry and you can keep it after the parade. Hope to see some kids there.
Congratulations to Misty Lynn Pequignot who graduated on May 6, 2023, from Clarion College with magna cum laude, Bachelor of Science in Nursing. She will be working in UPMC Hospital in Williamsport. Misty is the daughter of Shawn and Crystal Pequignot, and granddaughter of Irene Huray Pequignot.
Thank you to the Blatt’s from Walton Way Road, Lopez, for your generous donation for Cold Spring. It is much appreciated.
Next Civic meeting will be on THURSDAY, the 18th, 6 p.m. at the Pavilion. Note change of day.
Irene Pequignot, Linden, spent Sunday at her home here and we had a nice visit with her too.
Mother’s Day is Sunday, the 14th. Happy Mother’s Day to all. Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy!! Hope your loved ones are doing something special for you.
Happy Birthday to Xander Kapler and Kessler Gilbert who both celebrate on the 12th; Jase Lowden and Les Isett, both on the 14th; Cory McDonald and Deacon Burke, 15h; and Marian Hubiak, 19th. Have a great day, all of you.
I see folks are starting to work on their gardens, getting ready to plant, after the frosts are over with. Someone told me they don’t plant until after Memorial Day, just for that reason.
The humming birds are back. They’ve been seen on Church Street. We put our feeder up, but none came so far. Mike and Heather had one on Sunday afternoon, so they’re close by.
Keep and eye on the Sully and Face Book for things that may be coming up. With the nicer weather, hopefully, things will be taking place. You may be interested in checking things out. Flea markets and yard sales will be on the horizon soon, if they aren’t already being done. Don’t forget to check out the many places for your food and ice cream too. Vegetable plants and flowers are being sold to help you along. Hope everyone has a good growing season this year.
Don’t forget, TUESDAY, MAY 16th is ELECTION DAY. Get out and vote. It’s your right and a privilege to do so.
Guess that’s it. Enjoy your week. Have news, call me at 570-928-9238; mail me; see me; or e-mail me at I will put it in for you. Thanks for reading and I’ll be here next time. Comments, good and bad are always welcome. That way I know how to do a better job.