March 9, 2016
Another nice weekend and more coming for the week. Saturday was 7 degrees early, then warmed up; Sunday was 11 degrees early and only warmed up to 40 during the day and the wind had a little “bite” to it; not as warm as last weekend, but getting there. Can you believe it’s supposed to hit 60+ by Wednesday. I’ll take it. We’ve seen flocks of geese flying North, so that’s a good sign, right? Mike McDonald family has seen robins twice so that’s another good sign, right? Let’s hope so.
FLASH: Don’t forget that Sunday is SPRING ahead for your clocks. Make sure you remember to do that so you won’t be late wherever you might have to go.
Tony and Patti Sneidar, Philly, spent a few days at their home on Church Street and enjoyed the nice weather.
St. Vladimir’s Church has pierogies for sale. To order, call 570-928-1099.
The 47th annual Che-Hanna Rock and Mineral Club show is coming up. Mark your calendar for Saturday, March 19th and Sunday, March 20th. The show is held at the Athens Volunteer Fire Company in Sayre. Times are Saturday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Sunday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. There will be educational exhibits, dealers with a variety of things they sell, Carnegie Museum will have a spectacular display, PRI will have fossil identification, UVBOB will have fluorescent mineral programs, there will be a mini-mine for the kids, and there will be food available. A good, educational and fun show to attend. Hope to see you there. If you need more information, call Bob at 570-928-9238.
Happy Birthday wishes to Bob McGuire, 13th; Elizabeth Weisbrod, 15th; Gianna Mae DiRocco, 16th; Don Risser and Sherilyn Dendler, both on the 17th. Hope you all have a nice day.
B’s gang sends Happy, Happy Birthday wishes to Steph Putnam as she celebrates on the 17th. And, her sister, Kristin, celebrates on the 18th. Have a great day, both of you.
Happy Anniversary to Joe and Tina Tabor as they celebrate on the 15th. Congratulations and have a nice day.
Gee, before long we will be celebrating the Easter holiday. Time seems to keep rolling along; hardly seems like the month of March will be over so soon.
HINT: “Vinegar is a great way to keep frost from forming on your car windows. Spray the outside of your windows with a mixture of three parts white vinegar to 1 part water.” (We still have some frosty days, so will have to try this and see if it does work.)
I know there are probably some other things going on around the County, so check the Sully to see what you might be interested in. Was too bad that the winter didn’t allow for the Eagles Mere toboggan slide this year. That is a major fund raiser for them, but Mother Nature didn’t cooperate.
From Mr. Neubauer’s little brown book: March 6, 1974 – cool and 20 degrees. Not bad; ours was a little better.
Guess that’s the news. Enjoy your week; seems like it’s going to be a real hot doozy. Have news call me at 570-928-9238; mail me; see me; or e-mail me at I’ll get your item in for you. Thanks for reading and I’ll be here next time.