March 6, 2024
We really had some strange weather during the last week. We had such a rain storm, with thunder and fog, on Wednesday. It was a miserable day for sure. Had a couple really cold mornings and a couple really warm afternoons. Who knows what’s coming next. Last I saw, it was rain showers almost all week. The blue birds are back, checking out houses for the female to lay her eggs. The geese have been flying North and the robins are back too. I haven’t seem geese or robins, but got reports of them. I did see blue birds at my son’s house on Sunday.
Excitement in Lopez early Saturday morning. A Dollar General tractor trailer tried to make it up Church Street. Decided he wasn’t going in the right direction, so proceeded to back down Church and onto Flat Street. Had such a hard time. Blocked Main Street and Church Street for some time until he got backed enough down Flat Street to make it back out of town. Where he was headed, who knows, but GPS sure sent him in the wrong direction. I imagine a lot of you saw it when it was posted on Face Book. That was the excitement for the day.
Had a nice phone conversation with Carole Kilgus. She, Kevin and Teri are doing well. Weather is quite nice down there. She keeps busy and gets to spend time with her great granddaughter. She says to tell all of her Sullivan County friends Hello.
Don’t forget that Sunday is Spring forward and turn your clocks AHEAD one hour. Usually do this on Saturday night before going to bed.
Next Civic meeting will be on Wednesday, 20 March, 6 p.m. at the Township Building.
Joe and Diane Fanning, along with Molly, Landenberg, spent a few days at their home here and did some Spring clean up around the yard.
Happy Birthday to Mcguire Martin, 1st; Linda Baton, 8th; Janelle Day, 9th; Ruby Malkemes and Tally Rose Tierney, 10th; and Julian Bonner, 11th. Hope you all have a nice day.
Did you know if you put grapes in the freezer they last longer? And, they are nice and crisp too. Also, if you put a bay leaf in your flour, it will keep the bugs out.
Anyone wishing to make a donation to Lopez Old Home Day (the first Saturday in August) can mail a check to The Lopez Civic Association, P.O. Box 100, Lopez, PA 18628. Old Home Day proceeds are used for having the Halloween party for all children wishing to attend; for the Christmas party for the kids of Lopez; the mowing done of the parks, VFW and Cold Spring. Money is also used to pay insurances, phone bill and light bills. Any donation is greatly appreciated.
Keep an eye on the Sully and Face Book for up-coming events. There may be something of interest for you. Hopefully, with the nicer weather on the way, more folks will be out and about and coming to their summer homes. Let’s hope Mother Nature will co-operate.
Guess that’s it for now. Enjoy your week. Seems like boots and umbrellas will be the order of the day, but supposed to be much warmer. We shall see what we shall see. Have news, call me at 570-928-9238; mail me; see me; or e-mail be at I will get it in for you. Thanks for reading and I’ll be here next time. Stay well.