March 29, 2017
Hope you all had an enjoyable weekend. Weather wasn’t too bad; could have been warmer, but we’ll take what we get. It wasn’t as warm as first predicted and the week is to be rainy. Quite a lot of the snow seems to be going away so maybe we’ll get some nice, warm weather. Hopefully, no more storms.
The 48th annual Che-Hanna Gem and Mineral show was over the weekend and turned out to be really nice. Was at the Wysox Volunteer Fire Hall this year, so didn’t know how that would work. Turned out to be a good attendance at the show. Saw some Sullivan County folks there also. Hope everyone had an enjoyable time and we look forward to next year’s show.
St. Vladimir’s Church has pierogies for sale. To order, call 570-928-1099.
Civic meeting will be held at the Township Building on Tuesday, April 18th, 6 p.m.
The Colley Township Tax Collector will be at the Township Building in Lopez on Thursday, April 20th, from 9 a.m. to Noon for those wishing to stop and pay taxes. They can also be mailed.
Happy Birthday to V Rev Andrew (Gary) Matychak, 5th; Shawn Pequignot, 6th; Jaron Williams, 11th; and John Risser, 12th. Hope you all have a nice day.
Happy Anniversary to Julio and Mary (Maximiek) Santiago as they celebrate on the 5th. Have a good day.
B’s gang says “Happy Birthday” to Tim Higley. His birthday is on the 1st. Make it a good one, Tim.
B’s gang also says “Happy anniversary” to Bill and Roda Stasiak as they celebrate on the 6th. Have a nice day.
HINT: “Baking soda is poisonous to ants, sprinkle it around your plants to ensure ants will stay away. Flour & Baby Powder will keep ants from reaching your plants, ants will not cross the powder – so circle your plants with it.”
I know there are probably things going on around the county, so keep a check on the Sully for that. With the nicer weather coming, folks are probably checking out the seed and plant catalogs to get ready for flower beds and gardens. Some things may have already been started indoors to do outdoors later.
Guess that’s the news for this time. Enjoy your week, whatever your plans are. Have news call me at 570-928-9238; mail me; see me; or e-mail me at