March 18, 2020
Finally getting some nicer weather. Had some good, not so low, early morning temperatures during the week. Monday hit 65 degrees late afternoon. Lots of welcome sunshine. Still pretty windy, but getting better. Robins are out in bunches, along with the turkeys. I heard that the ticks are out already, in big numbers. So, be on the alert if you are quadding or walking in areas of high grass. Please check yourself and your clothing to make sure you don’t have any attached to you. Stupid things are as bad as this Coronavirus going around.
Congratulations to John Carmelo for second period Honor Roll. I missed him in last week’s news. He’s a new boy in town and I didn’t know of him.
FLASH: Just to let you know, the 51st Annual Che-Hanna Gem and Mineral Show, scheduled for March 28th and 29th has been cancelled, due to the virus. Sorry to make this announcement, but hope to see you all next year.
We have a couple of the 2019 Lopez mugs, depicting VFW Fire Hall still for sale. If interested, contact me at the info below. The 2020 mugs have been ordered.
Hope you all are feeling ok so far. But…..never know when that Coronavirus will hit out area. You know the drill. Wash your hands; stay away from crowds; if you’re sick, stay home; etc., etc. etc..
St. Vladimir’s Church has pierogies and halupki for sale the second and fourth Sunday of the month. Available at the Church Hall from Noon to 1 p.m. Stop by to get yours. They do go fast.
Happy Birthday wishes to round out the month of March go to: Aaron Kinsey, 21st; Irene Risser, 28th; and Heather McDonald and Trevor Kinsey, 30th. Have a nice day.
If you stop in the post office, wish Alyssa a Happy Birthday as she celebrates on the 21st. Have a good day, Alyssa.
Most activities and events in Sullivan County have been cancelled. Hopefully, not for too long. Watch the Sully for them when this is over with. I guess the kids will be happy to be home from school for a couple weeks, but it’s hard on working parents to either stay home or find sitters.
Guess that’s the news. Enjoy your week. Last report I heard it’s to be warm; maybe a couple rain showers. Get out and get some fresh air, even if you need to take the umbrella along. Have news call me at 570-928-9238; mail me; see me; or e-mail me at I’ll get it in for you. Take care and I’ll be here next time. Thanks for reading.