March 15, 2017
Another cold, windy, snowy few days. We had six inches of snow on Friday. Saturday morning it was five degrees with snow and wind. Sunday morning it was .5 degrees and cold. The temperatures didn’t get up past twenty during that time. Will have to wait for next week as to what get Tuesday into Wednesday. Predictions are for many inches of snow; we’ll see if it’s right this time and we get the “storm” of the winter season. Would be nice not to get any at all and prove them all wrong, but don’t think that will happen. Just gotta go with the flow and take what we get. And, to think the first day of Spring is on the 20th.
Looking out her picture window early Monday morning, Heather McDonald saw a bald eagle flying around. I’ve heard reports from others that have seen one also.
St. Vladimir’s Church has pierogies for sale. To order, call 570-928-9238.
Bob, Jr. and Tyler McGuire, Hunlock Creek, spent Sunday with Bob, JoAnn, Brian McGuire and Nina Weslowski. They all helped Bob, Sr. celebrate his birthday. They also enjoyed a walk up to icicle cave. Was Tyler’s first time there and it was 50 years ago this time that his Dad, Bob, Jr. was in that same cave and had his picture taken for a post card. This time, with the warm weather we had, there were only stubs of icicles, so wasn’t as impressive. But, it was a fun time trekking up and back and Tyler thought it was a cool place.
Mark your calendars now. Jean Foust, Colley Township Tax Collector, will be at the Township Building, in town, on Thursday, April 20th, from 9 a.m. to Noon for those of you wishing to pay your taxes. You can also send them to her in the mail. Remember, it’s April and not March 20th.
Happy Birthday to Elizabeth Weisbrod, 115th; Gianna Mae DiRocco, 16th; Don Risser and Sherilyn Dendler, 17th; Joe Tabor, 18th;and Aaron Kinsey, 21st. Have a nice day.
Happy Anniversary to Joe and Tina Tabor as they celebrate on the 15th.
B’s gang sends Happy Birthday wishes to Steph Putnam, 17th; Kristen Putnam, 18th; and Lori Higley, 19th. Have a super day.
HINT: “Add a few drops of corn oil to your pets’ food to prevent hair balls from forming. The thick oil helps the fur pass through the animal’s system much quicker and easily.”
Keep a watch on the Sully for events going on around the County that you may be interested in.
Guess that’s it for now. Enjoy your week, you may be trying to dig out if we get “all that snow”. Hopefully it will be the last, but never can tell what Mother Nature has in store. Have news, call me at 570-928-9238; mail me; see me; or e-mail me at I’ll get it in for you. I’ll be here next time, and thanks for reading.