June 22, 2016
Finally a nice weekend with lots of sun and warm breeze. Folks got to go camping for the weekend, have picnics at their house and just sit out and enjoy the cool evenings. Let’s hope this stays around for a while. Maybe the creek will even get warm enough to entice those who like that.
Happy Belated birthday to Nina Weslowski who celebrated on the 14th. Her mother, Paula Weslowski, Allentown, was up for a couple days to help her celebrate.
B’s gang says “Congratulations to Miguel Rodriquez (Mick) who graduated from Sullivan County High School on Friday evening. Good luck in your future.”
Saturday, the 25th, St. Vladimir’s Church is having a community picnic/yard sale on the Church grounds. This will be from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and there will be free food and games. Donations accepted.
Check out the Sullivan County 4-H Rocketry Club on Face Book. Bob McGuire wants all former, current and future club members to sign in to keep up-dated on the 2017, 50th year, alumni launch. Also, any suggestions would be appreciated.
Tony and Patti Sneidar, Philadelphia, and son, Anthony and Beth Sneidar, Portland, OR, spent the weekend at their home here. Was a short visit but very nice.
S.C. 4-H Rocketry meeting will be on Monday, the 27th, 2 p.m. at the Extension Office, Dushore. New members welcome. Questions?? Call Bob at 570-928-9238.
Joe and Diane Fanning, Landenberg, spent a few days at their home on Church Street. Did quite a bit of yard work while they were here. They also went to a horseshoe tournament in Dallas, where Joe participated.
Happy Birthday wishes to Cindy Stavisky, 23rd; Jean Woodford, 24th; and Andy Matychak and Garrett Burke, 27th. Hope you all have a great day.
B’s gang send Happy Birthday wishes to Matt Karchner, who will celebrate on the 28th. Have a good day.
Happy Anniversary to Jessie and Lisa (Beaver) Sperry as their special day is on the 24th. Congratulations and have a nice day.
St. Vladimir’s has pierogies for sale. To order, call 570-928-1099.
HINT: “Vinegar kills weeds and helps flowers grow. Vinegar is a magic wonder when it comes to gardening. It not only kills weeks but helps flowers grow as well. Douse vinegar all around your garden to prevent weeds from popping up and to help your flowers to grow healthy and strong.” (Now is the season, so have to try this.)
Here’s a good hint to try now since it’s charcoal/gas grilling time. “Mix a cup of baking soda with a half cup of water to make a paste. Dip your brush into the paste and scrub the grill. The caked pieces and black residue will come off much quicker and using baking soda is safer and cheaper than using cleaning chemicals.”
Guess that’s the news for now. Enjoy your week; it’s to be spectacular. Have news call me at 570-928-9238; mail me; see me; or e-mail me at news@lopezpa.com. I’ll get it in for you. Thanks for reading and I’ll be here next time