July 11, 2018
Hope you all had an enjoyable Fourth holiday. The weather wasn’t really in our favor on the 4th with the storm that cropped up. Heavy thunder, rain, lightning, and our power was off for seven hours. Not good for those having picnics and parties. The flower beds and gardens are doing really well. The weekend turned out super with nice weather. Was good for quad riding and motorcycle rides and saw lots of them.
Bob and JoAnn McGuire enjoyed spending time on Tuesday with Marty and Dee Whatley at their home on Route 487. Had a nice picnic and Marty got ready to grill and said “wait a while; there’s a bear around the corner of the house”.
4-H Rocketry meetings will be on Mondays, the 16th and 23rd at the Extension Office in Dushore at 2 p.m. Launch date is the 28th.
Bob and JoAnn McGuire went to a picnic in Forty Fort on the 4th, at the home of Michael, Georgia and Mcguire Martin. Also there was Mike and Lola Mattie, their friend, Roxie, and Casey Martin and her friend, Tom. An enjoyable time for all after the rain finally quit.
Next Civic meeting will be on Tuesday, the 17th, 6 p.m., at the Pavilion. Will decide on a work bee to clean up before Old Home Day.
I guess from what I’ve seen on FB, the bear(s) are still around visiting and getting more friendly.
Check out www.lopezpa.com to check on the bridge work and see the progress. It’s looking pretty good.
On Saturday evening, Bob McGuire, aka UVBOB, presented a fluorescent mineral program for the campers at World’s End State Park. Was a good attendance and good time for all. Thank you Jane Swift for inviting us.
DON’T FORGET………..OLD HOME DAY will be ONE day only; SATRUDAY, August 4th, Noon – Midnight. Check out the ad in this week’s paper.
Don and Irene (Kravitz) Risser were in town for the long July 4th week-end. Visiting them were their younger son, Aaron, and their granddaughter, Leah Elizabeth. They spent lots of time outside hiking the Falls Trail at Ricketts Glen and kayaking at Lake Jean. They saw lots of wildlife–a blue heron, a pair of bald eagles, deer, and a black bear. On Sunday evening, Mary Kravetz of Lopez and Annabelle Kravetz of Mildred came for dinner and to celebrate Mamie’s birthday on July 2.
Mother Magdalena, Orthodox Monastery, Ellwood City, spent a few days at St. Nicholas House on Church Street.
St. Vlaimir’s Church has pierogies for sale. To order, call 570-928-1099.
Happy Birthday wishes to Loretta Weidner and Samantha Burke, both on the 10th; Dan Stasiak, 11th; Quinn Vinetelli, 12th; Woody Woodford, 13th; and David Black and Molly Johnson, both on the 14th. Have a good day.
Happy Anniversary to Mike and Heather McDonald and Jeffrey and Kristin (McDonald) Mensch as they both celebrated on the 7th. Also, to David and Lavonne Black and Matt and Sherrill Dayton on the 14th. Have a nice day.
B’s gang send birthday wises to Bill Stasiak as his special day was on the 6th. Hope it was a good one.
HINT: “Use apple cider vinegar on poison ivy. Dries it up with no itch.” (Saw this on FB.)
Congratulations to Kyleigh McDonald on winning a new bike at the turtle races held in New Albany on Sunday. She also won a turtle race. She’s one happy camper.
Keep an eye on the Sully for events coming up that you may be interested in. Lots going on during the summer months.
Guess that’s the news for now. Enjoy your week; I hear it’s to warm up again. It’ll be over before we know it and then we’ll complain that it’s too cold. I’ll take this over the snow, ice and cold.
Have news call me at 570-928-9238; mail me; see me; or e-mail me at news@lopezpa.com. I’ll get it in for you. Thanks for reading and I’ll be here next time.
Here we are ready to go over the new north side of the Main Street bridge. Now they
started work on the south side.