January 15, 2020
Boy!! Mother Nature is sure being unpredictable now. We had some
really nice weather last week, with temperatures in the 50’s with lots of
sunshine, but that wind was still whipping around. The sun felt good, but it was quite muddy and “gushy” when walking in the yard. I guess we are to get
more of the same for the week, but then we may be in for some colder
weather with some snow on the way. I knew it couldn’t last forever. Gotta
take whatever she gives us. It’s “freaky” weather for January.
Gerry and Paula Weslowski, Allentown, spent the weekend with their daughter, Nina Weslowski and Brian McGuire. The enjoyed dinner at Colley Pub on Friday evening and the chili/soup cook-off on Sunday afternoon.
Congratulations to Brian McGuire who took first place with his taco soup at the chili/soup cook-off, held on Sunday at the American Legion in Dushore.
Congratulations to the Sneidar family, and staff, as they celebrated their one year anniversary, over the weekend, owning the Colley Pub. Good luck for many more years.
St. Vladimir’s Church has halupki for sale. They will be available every second and fourth Sunday at the Hall, from Noon to 1 p.m. Stop by and get yours as they go fast. They have sold out of pierogies, but hope to make more soon. Keep your eye on the Sully for up-dates.
Bob McGuire, Jr. and son, Tyler, Hunlock Creek, visited his parents, Bob and JoAnn McGuire and his brother, Brian, on Friday. Tyler left on Saturday to return to his studies at RIT, Rochester, NY.
Happy Birthday wishes to send out to Adel Bradshaw, 20th; and Alice Fedorchak and Jim Rouse, both on the 21st. Have a nice day.
Happy Anniversary to Ted and Linda Beaver, 12th; and Ted and Mary Lowden, 17th. Have an enjoyable day.
B’s gang sends special birthday wishes to Tyler Higley as he celebrates on the 13th. Have a good day, “Slick”.
I forgot a birthday at the end of 2019, so Happy Birthday to Ginny Stavisky who celebrated on the 31st. Hope you had a nice day.
Has the flu bug gotten to you? There is quite a bit of that going around, so if you don’t get it, you’re one of the lucky ones. Get better soon if you have it.
Thank you to Kaeleigh and Kyleigh McDonald who helped me get the Christmas decorations down from the Pavilion area. The higher stuff is now up to the guys to take care of. The weather was perfect Sunday to take care of this, before a snow fall comes. No work bee as it was a spur of the moment decision when we were walking. They did a good job carrying everything back up to the Pavilion to be put away sometime later.
There will probably be things going on in the County. Watch the Sully for those things that will take place during the winter weather and there may be something you’d like to take part in.
Guess that’s the news for now. Enjoy your week, Get out and get some fresh air and sunshine while you can. Have news call me at 570-928-9238; mail me; see me; or e-mail me at news@lopezpa.com. I’ll put it in for you. Thanks for reading and I’ll be here next time.