February 16, 2022
Hope you all had a nice Valentine’s Day weekend with loved ones. The weather has been up and down again. Nice, then not so nice. It did warm up really well a couple of days and that got really cold over night. The snow and ice are still with us. Finally was able to chop some of the ice, but some is just too thick yet. Hopefully, warmer weather will come and stay. Was quite cold a few days and with the ice and snow, it was great for sledding. It’s gotten too soft now to do that, unless it gets very cold again and stays.
I imagine all of you who watched the Super Bowl had a great time and hope your team won. I’m not into football so had no interest in it at all.
TJ, Allison, and Jase Lowden, along with Wesson, Marlton, NJ, spent the weekend at their home here and visited his parents, Ted and Mary on Maple Terrace.
A few weeks ago I mentioned something about wrapping your lettuce and cucumbers in aluminum foil to last longer. Well, I tried it. It did not work for the lettuce. It still turned brown. I was impressed with the cucumbers. They did quite well. So, you don’t know these things you hear about or read until you try. I will keep my lettuce out of the aluminum foil. Have to see if I come across anything else that might be of interest to try.
Hope everyone is feeling good. Maybe the flu and viruses are passing us by. Reports are that there are not as many cases, so that’s a good thing. Still have to be cautious. Get well wishes to anyone who is under the weather and hope you feel better soon.
Happy Birthday to Khloie Bahr, 19th; Clair Johnson II, 20th; Armond Spinosa, 22nd; and Jacob Williams, 23. Have a nice day.
Don’t have a whole lot of news. Watch the Sully for up-coming events you might be interested in. With the crazy, cold, windy weather for a few days, I wasn’t out much at all. Maybe when the weather gets much better, folks will start coming to their cabins and homes to enjoy time here.
I’m thinking, as of right now, weather permitting, the first Civic meeting of the New Year will be held on Wednesday, March 16th, 6 p.m. at the Township Building. If it’s bad weather, it will not be held until April. I will keep you up-dated.
Have you been reading the poems that Linda (Hallabuk) Baton has been submitting to the Sully. I really enjoy them. She is a former Lopez resident, born and raised here and now lives in Forksville. Hope she keeps sending them.
Well, time to close for now. Hope you enjoy your week, whatever you have up your sleeve. Might be rather nice for a change. Have news, let me know by 6 p.m. on Sunday evening by calling 570-928-9238; mail me; see me; or e-mail me at news@lopezpa.com. I will get it in for you. Have a great week and I’ll be here next time. Thanks for reading and comments are always welcome.