February 15, 2017
Hope you all had a nice weekend and a nice Valentine’s Day with your loved ones. Weather wasn’t too bad. Did have some heavy rain on Tuesday, with the temperatures in the 40’s; had a snowstorm on Thursday that put down 7-10 inches of snow and the wind blew the snow into drifts that measured 16 inches in places. As I write my news on Sunday evening, we had some good rain and some sleety rain during the day; don’t know what’s coming over night, but someone said another storm. Have to wait and see. There was enough snow after Thursday’s storm to go tobogganing on the hill across the street. Kids and their Dad had fun doing that. By Sunday the snow was mostly gone because of the rain.
Sympathy from the community to the family, relatives and many, many friends of Mrs. Lucy Sick who recently passed away. She was a joy to know; she had an awesome smile and was a many talented lady. She will be missed. Funeral will be held Saturday from St. Basil’s Church with Rev. Carr, Rev. McLaughlin and Rev. Rojas.
Winter Fest will be this weekend at Camp Brule. Check the Sully for details and see what might interest you. Also, to check for other events that may be going on.
Happy Birthday wishes to Shawn Laird, 15th; Khloie Bahr, 19th; Clair Johnson II, 20th; Armond Spinosa, 23rd; Jacob Williams, 23rd, Bob McGuire, Jr., 26; and John Borick, 29th and that day isn’t even on the calendar. Hope you all have a good day.
St. Vladimir’s Church has pierogies for sale. To order call 570-928-1099.
HINT: “Sprinkle corn starch into tough knots to help loosen and untangle them; works good on shoe laces.” “Cut yourself shaving? Just swipe some chap stick over the cut to stop the constant bleeding. No more tissue squares.”
Guess that’s about it. Enjoy your week, even if you have to get out and so a little shoveling; the air feels good. Have news call me at 570-928-9238; mail me; see me; or e-mail me at news@lopezpa.com. I’ll get it in for you. Thanks for reading and I’ll be here next time.