February 14, 2018
What a week with up and down weather. We had 9 inches of heavy, wet snow on Wednesday with schools closed. We had a low of 2 degrees on Friday. Sunday we had 48 degrees, foggy, cloudy, less wind, sprinkles and some mud and ice. Last I heard, it’s to be nice for the weekend again. Doesn’t look like any significant storms on the horizon, which is fine with me.
Coming up on Saturday is WinterFest at Camp Brule, snow or no snow. On Sunday the sleigh rally will be held, if there is enough snow for that. So, I guess many are hoping for snow to take part in these activities. Watch the Sully for more information this week.
I’m getting over a bad cold so haven’t been out much to see who is here or what’s going on. Finally starting to feel much better and if I could rid of the stupid cough, that would be great. Hope you aren’t bothered with the flu; I hear it’s very bad this year and isn’t it nice to hear you could have it twice. I think every year the strain is worse and they keep saying the shot doesn’t work well, but get it anyway.
Joe and Diane Fanning, along with Molly, spent a few days at their home on Church Street to get that last storm’s snow shoveled and plowed. So, it was a work time, rather than a relaxing time to be here.
Happy Birthday wishes go out to Haley Latch and Shawn Laird, 15th; Alison Lowden and Tim Brown, 17th; Khloie Bahr, 19th; and Clair Johnson, 20th. Have a nice day.
Sympathy from the community to Tim Brown and family on the recent passing of his father. Prayers to all at this time of sadness.
HINT: ” There are many remedies for removing gum from hair. This lesser know one, to use whipped cream, is better than peanut butter, so try it next time you’re in need. “Use olive oil to un-stick a zipper. It will help the zipper slide more easily, fixing the problem.”
Next Civic meeting will be on Tuesday, MARCH 20, 6 p.m. at the Township Building. There is no meeting in FEBRUARY.
So, that’s it for this time. Enjoy your week. Remember….SPRING is just around the corner. Can’t wait. Maybe see some robins soon and that will be a good sign. I know some have seen them already. Have news call me at 570-928-9238; mail me; see me; or e-mail me at news@lopezpa.com. I will get it in for you. Thanks for reading and I’ll be here next time.