December 6, 2017
Retro hoodies are back in stock. A retro hoodie is a sweatshirt with a hood that features a buck head wearing earmuffs. These are good for anyone to keep warm while out in the cold, or just to keep the chill off inside. Especially nice for hunters. They also make great Christmas gifts for someone special. Contact me at the phone number below, if interested. They don’t last long, so get yours now. Sizes S, M, L, XL, XXL and $25.00 each in green or black.
Cannot believe this nice weather; but I’m sure not going to complain. Have had frost almost every early morning, but warms up nicely during the day. That sun sure feels good and the wind has decided to die down some. I did hear the week will be nice, but toward the weekend it will get mighty cold. Guess that’s to be expected this time of year.
Mrs. Irene Huray spent some time over the Thanksgiving holiday with her daughter, Irene Pequignot, Linden, and her family.
St. Vladimir’s Church has pierogies for sale. To order, call 570-928-1099.
Remember, there is no Civic meeting for the month of December so folks can enjoy the Christmas Holiday season. I see more lights and decorations going up. Looks pretty good.
If you haven’t been to the Wysox Merchants Center on the Golden Mile, you’re missing a fabulous place. It has recently opened and the place has 72 vendors who have everything. You name it, they have it. Great place to do some Christmas shopping. They are open every day from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. until Christmas so everyone can have a chance to take a look around. It’s well worth the trip.
Not too much to report this week. I know the hunters are out and about. Don’t know if any locals got their buck or not. Good luck, if you’re still hunting.
TJ Lowden and a couple of his friends came in from Marlton, NJ, to help his parents, Ted and Mary, get moved into their new home on Maple Terrace. They hope to be settled in pretty soon.
Happy Birthday wishes to Aaron Risser, 9th; Irena Pochatko and Andrea (Matychak) Anderson, both on the 12th; Dylan Amon, 13th; and Noah Brown, 14th. Have a nice day.
HINT: “Water is the cure to most common headaches. To make the headache go away quickly, drink two cups of water very quickly.” (I think that would make it worse, but maybe I’ll try it anyway.) “Add a bit of olive oil to your pet’s food to give them a healthier, shinier coat of fur.”
Guess that’s it for this time. Enjoy this great weather while you can. I don’t look forward to that “white” stuff that will be coming. Have news, call me at 570-928-9238; mail me; see me; or e-mail me at I will get it in for you. Thanks for reading and I’ll be here next time.