August 25, 2021
Had some rainy weather and then the wicked storm hit on Wednesday. From what I heard, it poured, wind blew and was just horrible. We were gone, so missed it this time. Hopefully, nice weather for the week, but I did hear more thunderstorms possible. Guess we just have to put up with what we get.
There will be a Community Yard Sale on Friday and Saturday, September 3rd and 4th, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Nessie’s pond in Lopez. Must bring your own tables, chairs, tents, etc. Bring a blanket and put your items on the ground. Whatever works for you. Call Brian at 570-954-6319 to get your space. Any donation to the Lopez Civic Association will be appreciated. Let’s hope no rain.
St. Vladimir’s Church has pierogies for sale the first and third Sunday of the month. They will be available for pick up from Noon to 1 p.m. at the Church Hall. Call 570-928-8909 to order yours.
Bob and I spent a few days with family in Richmondville, NY. Many family members were there to attend the Memorial service for my sister, Margi Decatur, who recently lost her battle with cancer. Was sad, but a nice celebration of her life. All I can say is, “CANCER SUCKS”!!
TJ, Allison, and Jase Lowden, along with Wesson, Marlton, NJ, spent some vacation time at their home on Church Street. Was good weather most of the time while they were here. They also visited back and forth with his parents, Ted and Mary, who live on Maple Terrace, just across the back yard from them.
I see folks are gathering produce from their gardens Time to enjoy those BLT’s and do some canning and freezing.
After spending the summer with his Dad, Bob McGuire, Jr., and family, Tyler McGuire has gone back to RIT in Rochester, New York, to continue his studies in Software Engineering. Good luck and have a great semester.
Happy Birthday to Karly Amon, 26th; and Gaige Burke, 29th. Have a happy day.
Happy Anniversary to Jason and Heather Burke as they celebrate on the 26th. Have a nice day.
I made a goof in the 11th August news. I had Happy Birthday to Kevin Partington. It should have read Kevin Pequignot. I didn’t notice it and Kevin P. called to tell me about it. Sorry for the mistake.
Kids started school on Monday, the 23rd. Good luck to all and hope they have a great year. Good luck to anyone else who has gone back to college or trade school. Summer has gone by so fast.
Since we were gone, I didn’t know who was around, so if you’d like news in my column, call me at 570-928-9238; mail me; see me; or e-mail me at before 6 p.m. on Sunday evening.. I will get it in for you. Thanks for reading and I’ll be here next time. Sure hope the new Covid doesn’t make its way to Sullivan County. Stay well; stay safe.
NOTICE, We are trying something new. Go to “I REMEMBER” on this site and check out Olga’s audio interview. Let me know what you think at
August 25, 2021 — No Comments
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