August 24, 2022
Had a pretty hot and humid week. We did have some rain very early Sunday morning. Cleared up and got pretty nice, until late afternoon when it rained again. Didn’t last too long, but maybe helped some. Cooled things down a little. I did hear heat and humidity are coming back for the week again. I’ll take it. I did see a lot of trees changing color today and don’t like that at all. Too early for the cold weather coming.
Sunday was a nice day for our Che-Hanna mineral club picnic at Saterlee Creek Park. Was a little windy but no rain at that time. Good food, good friends and lots of visiting. Was the last one for the summer.
Tyler McGuire has gone back to RIT in Rochester, NY, after working from home doing two internships since January. He’s taking classes in Software Engineering, with a Double Major in Economics. He is the son of Bob McGuire, Jr. and our grandson. Good luck this Semester!
Next Civic meeting will be Wednesday, September 21st, 6 p.m. at the Pavilion, if weather permits. Hopefully it will still be nice then.
Don’t forget the Flea Market at Nessie’s Pond on Saturday, the 27th. Come and browse and see what you might like to purchase. If interested in setting up to sell, contact me at the info below. Let’s hope for nice weather.
Keep an eye on the Sully for more up-coming events that will be taking place around the County. Might be something to spark your interest.
I got ahead of myself last week and put the rest of the August birthdays and anniversaries in. Will post some September ones next week.
Guess that’s about it. Hope everyone is well and enjoying the weather that we are having, even if some days isn’t as nice as others. Gotta take what Mother Nature gives us and hope for the best. So, enjoy your week, whatever you may do.
Have news, give me a call at 570-928-9238; mail me; see me; or e-mail me at I will put it in for you. Thanks for reading and I’ll be here next time.