August 17, 2022
We have been having some awesome weather to enjoy. We did have 37 degrees early one morning, but warmed up really well. There were a couple of days early in the week that we had a “smidgen” of rain. Didn’t last long and got hot and humid when it was over. We do need the rain. I don’t think I’ve seen the grass this brown and crunchy for a long time. I heard maybe Tuesday and Wednesday rain, but it seem to always go around us.
Was a great weekend for events going on around the County. I’m sure there will be more events in the up-coming weeks to keep and eye on the Sully.
Irene (Huray) Pequignot, Linden, spent the weekend at her home on Church Street. She attended her SCHS class of 1969 second annual picnic on Saturday at Connell’s Dam. Food and games were enjoyed by all 17 classmates who were in attendance.
Flowers and gardens still seem to be doing fairly well, especially if they are being watered regularly. They do need the rain.
Adel Bradshaw, West Chester, spent a few days at her home here and enjoyed the really nice weather.
Happy Birthday to TJ Lowden, 17th; Andrew Froese, 20th; Mary (Marimiek) Santiago, 21st; Karly Amon, 26th; and Gaige Burke, 29th. Have a nice day.
Happy Anniversary to Jason and Heather Burke as they celebrate on the 26th. Have a good day and many more great anniversaries.
Flies hate PineSol. Mix equal amounts of PineSol and water. Put in a spray bottle and use it outside to wipe tables in picnic areas or around windows to keep flies away.
I think that’s all the news for this time. Enjoy your week. Get out and take a walk, breathe in the fresh air, just do something you enjoy. Have news, give me a call at 570-928-9238; snail mail me; see me; or e-mail me at I will get it in for you. Thanks for reading and I’ll be here next time.