August 19, 2020
Well, about all I can talk about is the nice weather we had last week. On Tuesday, we did have a little rain. We do need rain. The grass is brown and the gardens and flower beds need the rain too. Hopefully some of that much needed wetness will come our way.
School will be starting on Thursday, the 20th. Be on the watch for kids at the bus stops so take a little extra time and go slower. Good luck to all. I know some will be home schooling or doing virtual learning, but we wish them luck too. The summer went by pretty fast and hopefully this virus will be on its way out soon. Then, maybe everyone can enjoy their life once again.
With most things being cancelled, there isn’t much to report on. Support your local businesses when you can so they can keep their shops and stores open. Just do the wearing of the mask, social distancing, etc., etc., etc.
Happy Birthday wishes to Macrina Pochatko, 23rd;Karly Amon, 26th; and Gaige Burke, 29th. Have a nice day.
Happy Anniversary to Jason and Heather Burke as they celebrate on the 26th. Have a fantastic day and many more.
Well, folks, what can I say…….Be Happy, Be Safe, Be Healthy. That’s about all the news I have. Haven’t heard the weather report, so don’t know what the week has in store for us, but enjoy it anyway. Have news call me at 570-928-9238; mail me; see me; or e-mail me at I will put your item in. I’ll be here next time and thanks for reading.