August 15, 2018
Geez. I guess Mother Nature sure doesn’t like us. Like someone said, I wish we could ship this rain to California to help put out those fires. Heavy rain; quits for a short time; rain again; goes on and on. We need some warm, sunny weather to help dry things up. Creeks are filled and some have over flowed. Some areas were hit hard again with this last rain. Lots of clean up to do now.
The Civic Association would like to thank the following for their help in making our Old Home Day the success it was. Thanks to Gordie and Joanne Durland for the hay wagon; Patson Mechanical Contracting for the hay; Fitzpatrick and Lambert for the tractor; Mildred Fire Company for water for the dunk tank and also for the use of their french fryer; Mildred Ambulance on stand-by; and Cory McDonald for his generous donation toward fire works. A big THANK YOU to Brian McGuire for his diligence and hard work getting things ready for OHD. He worked in the rain and mud from early morning until late evening to make sure everything would be done and ready. Despite the mud and puddles, most went very well. Mother Nature just didn’t have it in mind to give us a good week. Hopefully, next year will be much better.
And, Saturday, , Dushore went through the same thing with Founder’s Day activities. Lots of rain but I guess most things went on anyway. Let’s hope the week brings some better weather.
On Monday, Sr. Ella Mae McDonald, JoAnn McDonald, and Leo McDonald toured Sullivan County for an enjoyable day. Stopped at the Byzantine Cemetery in Lopez to check on John McDonald’s grave site and stopped to say Hello to the McGuire’s.
Bob and I spent Sunday afternoon with Bob, Jr. and Tyler in Hunlock Creek. Brian McGuire also stopped by for a visit. Nice family time.
Bridge work is coming along slowly due to all the rain and flooding. Take a look at and check out the progress.
Don’t forget……Tuesday, the 21st, 5 p.m. civic picnic at the Pavilion. Bring a dish to pass and your table service. This is open to the community and to those who volunteered their time and energy on Old Home Day. There will be a civic meeting at 6 p.m.
School starts on the 23rd so be aware of kids waiting for the bus. Good luck to all in the new school year; and to those who are home schooled or cyber schooled.
Happy Birthday wishes go out to Kevin Pequignot, 16th; TJ Lowden, 17th; Andrew Froese, 20th; and Mary (Maximiek) Santiago, 21st. Hope you all have a nice day.
Happy Annversary to Bill and Bonnie Killian as they celebrate on the 16th. Congratulations and many more.
HINT: “If you have flies, spray with Windex. If you have ants, spray with Fabreze.” (Thanks, Sr. Ella Mae McDonald)
St. Vladimir’s Church has pierogies for sale. To order, call 570-928-1099.
Check the Sully for up-coming events that will be taking place. Might be something you’re interested in.
Do you realize before long it will be Labor Day and summer will be about gone. I won’t mention what comes after that. Just don’t want to think about it.
Guess that’s the news for this time. Enjoy your week, whatever your pleasure. Have news call me at 570-928-9238; mail me; see me; or e-mail me at I’ll get it in for you. I’ll be here next time and thanks for reading.
Rain – rain – rain – slowing down the Main Street bridge progress