March 16, 2016
Another nice weekend. On Thursday we saw BIG flocks of geese going over. The weather was warm, sunny, breezy and temperatures in the 60’s, which felt really good. Did have rain showers on Thursday. I just hope we’re done with the snow and cold. Did you all remember to turn your clocks ahead on Sunday? I guess I had a blonde moment….not a senior moment…..I turned mine back and realized later I moved the hands the wrong way. I finally did see three robins early in the week, so I guess they are around and maybe that’s another good sign of Spring.
I must apologize to Layton Shea. I missed him for both marking periods and he made Distinguished Honors both times. Sorry, Layton, and I’ll try to remember next time. Gotta remember, you’re a Lopezian now.
St. Vladimir’s Church has pierogies for sale. To order, call 570-928-1099.
Irene Pequignot, Linden, spent a nice Saturday visiting her mother, Mrs. Irene Huray, Church Street.
Bob and Tyler McGuire, Hunlock Creek, visited Bob, JoAnn and Brian McGuire and Nina Weslowski on Friday. Had a nice time and got to fly Tyler’s balsa airplane. Just enough breeze to have it go really good. They all helped Bob, Sr., celebrate his birthday.
HEADS UP!!! There WILL be a Civic meeting on Tuesday, April 19th, 6 p.m. at the Township Building. Mark your calendar now and hope to see you there. Lots of up-coming things to discuss.
Easter is almost here. This weekend will be Palm Sunday and next weekend is Easter already. Hope the Easter bunny makes it to your house.
Congratulations to Gaige Burke for winning the Easter coloring contest at Ally Bell’s on Sunday.
The 47th Che-Hanna Rock and Mineral show is coming up this weekend, Saturday and Sunday, March 19th and 20th. This is held at the Athens Township Fire Hall, Sayre. From 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturday and 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Sunday. There will be educational exhibits by club members; Indian artifacts; a special exhibit and silent auction by Marc Wilson from Carnegie Museum; an exhibit by Paleontological Research Institute and fossil ID by Bill Klose from the Institute; cabochon making; geode cutting; mini-mine for the kids; and UVBOB will have fluorescent mineral programs. Food will also be available. Hope you can come see what it’s all about.
Ted and Mary Lowden, Marlton, NJ, spent a few days at their home on Maple Terrace. They also brought along Willie, their new addition to the family.
HINT: “Adding coconut oil to your dog’s food will help to get rid of ticks and fleas.” (Don’t know how, but I was told it does work.)
Happy Birthday wishes to Aaron Kinsey, 21st; Irene Risser, 28th; Heather McDonald and Trevor Kinsey, both on the 30th. Hope you all have a good day.
B’s gang sends Happy Birthday greetings to Lori Higley as she celebrates on the 19th. Have a good one.
From Mr. Neubauer’s little brown book: March 13, 1974 – Very cold, clear, and 10 degrees. Wow!! I liked ours a lot better. We had clouds and breeze and in the 50’s. I remember one March 13th when we had a blizzard, but was glad not this time.
I know there must be things going on around the County, so check the Sully to find out more. Guess that’s it for now. Enjoy your week; heard a few showers, but that won’t matter if you want to get out and about. Have news, call me at 570-928-9238; mail me; see me; or e-mail me at I’ll get it in for you. Thanks for reading and I’ll be here next time.