September 28, 2022
Hope you’re enjoying this frigid, windy, rainy weather we’ve been getting. There were a couple of nice days, but then Saturday we had 28 degrees and a frost. Didn’t like that at all. Sunday we had two rain showers and temperature didn’t get up past 62 degrees. Think maybe we’ll have some Indian Summer yet? Sure hope so. The creeks and streams have raised a little from the rain, but need more to help them along.
There were 20 turkeys in our yard one day last week. Haven’t seen any for quite some time. I think the hummers have left for warmer places to stay for the winter. We saw a few stragglers last week, but nothing this week. Gardens are about done, so I imagine there will be a lot of canning and freezing for the winter months.
Next Civic meeting will be Wednesday, the 19th, 6 p.m. at the Township Building. Too cold at the Pavilion now, unless we get a heat wave.
St. Vladimir’s Church has pierogies for sale the first and third Sunday of the month. To order, call 440-645-9719 or 732-221-2803. They can be picked up at the Church Hall from Noon to 1 p.m.
Happy Birthday to Ted Beaver and Dinky Burke, 27th. Hope you had a good day.
Happy Anniversary to Dustin and Sam Burke as they celebrate on the 28th. Have a fantastic day and many more.
Since we’ve been having rainy weather, next time your dog comes in from the rain, wipe him down with Bounce or any dryer sheet making him smell springtime fresh.
There are some things that will be going on in October, so check the Sully or Face Book to see what might be happening that you’d be interested in.
That’s it for this time. If you want your news in the paper, give me a call at 570-928-9238; mail me; see me; or email me at I will put it in. Can’t do it if I don’t have it. Thanks for reading and I’ll be here next time.