September 18, 2019
I hope you all enjoyed your weekend and those that attended the Bow Hunters Festival had a good time. Weather is still pretty nice so far. We did have one day with pouring rain and Saturday it rained lightly all day. The leaves are falling, so that says something. Don’t want that quite yet. Haven’t seen any geese so far, so that’s a good sign. The humming birds are still around, as well as the chipmunks. We are to get some really warm weather during the week. I’ll take it.
There was a mountain lion spotted in Lopez last Friday morning. Got a call from Dawn Guglielmi that she saw it about 6 a.m. She said it was a magical and beautiful animal. Someone told her it was probably a bob cat and she said not; had a large head and long tail. It was crawling up to Hail’s farm to get their chickens. She called them, got them out of bed, but said she wanted them to know the lion was coming their way. They got up and did see it. Paul shot twice and the noise from the gun scared it so bad it jumped the fence and took off for the woods. Dawn said she’s seen bear, deer and small animals, but never a mountain lion. Paul thought they come from the woods up Dutch Mountain way. So, three people did see the lion, so there’s proof they are around. I know the late Mr. Harvey told me he’d seen them up Dutch Mountain where he lived.
St. Vladimir’s Church has peirogies for sale. To order, call 570-928-1099.
Thank you to whoever put the beautiful hanging flower on Sonnie Decker’s porch. It’s a pale orangish color and so pretty. Kaeleigh, Kyleigh and I have been watering it to keep it alive. It’s doing so well and I think Sonnie would be happy and it’s a nice reminder of what he did with flowers there.
Happy Birthday to Mya Evans, 20th; Roland Dayton, 21st; and Bob Day, 23rd. Hope you all have a nice day.
Coming up in October is the Fall Festival at the Forksville Fair Grounds. Watch the Sully for information on this event.
Hard to believe that Halloween is just around the corner.
Bob and I visited last Thursday with his sister, Lola and Mike Mattie in Forty Fort. She had just come home from having surgery. Get well and feel better soon.
Alex Stavisky, Palm Bay, FL, just couldn’t stay away. He’s spending some time at his place here and doing some odd jobs. Wants to see the fall foliage and the leaves changing. Should be soon.
I think that’s the news for now. Enjoy your week; should be half decent. Have news call me at 570-928-9238; mail me; see me; or e-mail me at I’ll get it in for you. Thanks for reading and I’ll be here next time.