September 13, 2017
Have been having some strange weather. One day it’s nice and warm and sunny and not much wind. Then it turns cold, windy and damp. Thoughts and prayers to all in those States being affected by Irma. Hopefully, she will get over with soon. Hope everyone is safe either in their home, in a shelter, or have gone somewhere to stay with friends or relatives. Was to warm up over the weekend, but I didn’t see much. Sunday was a little warmer with more sun.
St. Vladimir’s Church has pierogies for sale. To order, call 570-928-1099.
Got this e-mail to share from Joyce Hails: Beginning Saturday, September 16th, it will be soup-er Saturday at Hails Family Farm in Lopez. We will have fresh hot soup to go and chili along with dinner roll and cornbread every Saturday, beginning at 11 a.m. at our Lopez stand. Any questions, call Joyce Hails at 570-721-1145.
Bow Hunter’s Festival coming up on the weekend at the Forksville Fair Grounds. Take a ride down and see what all is involved in this event.
Don’t forget, Tuesday, the 19th is the Civic picnic/meeting, 6 p.m. at the Pavilion. Bring a dish to pass and table service. This is for the community and anyone who helped to make our Old Home Days a success. Hope to see you there.
Happy Birthday to Mya Evans, 20th; Roland Dayton, 21st; Bob Day, 23rd; Annaliese Froese, 25th; Ted Beaver and “Dinky” Burke, 27th; Kurt Schroeder, 29th. Have a good day to all of you.
Happy Anniversary to Jon-Paul and Jen Matychak, 25th; Chris and Michele Craig, 27th; and Dustin and Samantha Burke, 28th. Have a nice day and many more.
B’s gang sends Happy Birthday wishes to Tom Finan as he celebrates his special day on the 25th. Have a good one, dude.
HINT: “If the pressure of work and home get to you in the form of a headache, reach for the VapoRub. Rub it on your temples and the tension is eased up very soon. Methane gel, an ingredient in the VapoRub, is effective for headache relief.” (Have to try that sometime.)
Just checked Mr. Neubauer’s little brown book for September 10, 1978. It says “party cloudy, cold and 36 degrees”. Ours was almost the same for the 36 degrees early in the morning, but it was sunny and warmer later in the day. I think his 36 degrees was also early in the morning.
Guess that’s about all for this time. Enjoy your week, whatever you do. Keep an eye on the Sully for up-coming events that you might be interested in. Have news, call me at 570-928-9238; mail me; see me; or e-mail me at I’ll get it in for you. Thanks for reading and I’ll be here next time. Don’t forget: PRAYERS for all being affected by Irma.