October 26, 2022
Another week of cool morning and frost on the pumpkins. I did hear this week is to be much warmer. We shall see.
NOTICE: Meet at the Pavilion on October 31st at 6 p.m. for refreshment, snacks and a children’s costume contest. Tradition trick or treating. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Bring your own flashlight and your own camera for the photo booth. Come out for a Spooktacular time. Please leave your porch light on for kids to stop by. Get your costume ready and come have a good time.
Congratulations to Mr. Ferdie Marek on his commendation for his many years involved with the Democratic Party. It was presented by Diane Gregg, President of the Pennsylvania Democratic Women’s Federation at a recent County dinner.
St. Vladimir’s Church has pierogies for sale the first and third Sunday of the month. Call 440-645-9710 or 732-221-2803 to order. They may be picked up at the Church Hall from Noon to 1 p.m.
Thought I would pass this along to those of you who have chickens: add cayenne pepper to your chicken feed to have them lay more eggs in the winter. Don’t know if it works, but try it and let me know.
Lopez decals are going fast. Get yours before they’re gone. They are oval in two colors. One decal is white with black lettering. The other decal is green with white lettering. $3.00 each. Contact me below if interested.
I see there was a lot of activity at Tent City over the weekend. Was a little chilly, but they still have a nice time while they are here.
Happy Birthday to Makayla Day, 27th; Lydia Spinosa, 28th; Leo McDonald and Misty Pequignot, 31st. Have a nice day.
Happy Anniversary to Marty and Dee Whatley as they celebrate on the 27th. Congrats and enjoy your day.
Hardly seems possible that October is almost gone. Just seemed like not too long ago we were trying to have some summer weather. Let’s hope we don’t get a really bad winter this year. What is “bad”? Some say a little snow is bad, some same a lot of snow is bad. I’d like none if it could happen. Just have to wait and see what Mother Nature has in store for us.
That’s the news. Enjoy your week. Looks to be nice. Have news, call me by 6 p.m. on Sunday evening at 570-928-9238; snail mail me; see me; or e-mail me at news@lopezpa.com. I will get it in for you. If you have any birthdays or anniversaries that you’d like me to report, please let me know details. Thanks for reading and I’ll be here next time.