November 22, 2023
Hope you all enjoyed the nice weather we had last week. Even though it started out pretty frosty, by afternoon the temperature went up to 60 degrees and the sun was nice. From what I’ve seen, Thanksgiving week is to be pretty nice also. Still don’t see too many deer or turkey. Haven’t even seen a bear lately, but that’s fine with me.
Sympathy to Ruth Kale, her family, relatives and many friends on the passing of David Kale on the 8th. They were long time residents of Lopez and involved in many things that went on in the County. They had moved away, due to his health, but he will be remembered.
Congratulations to Charles Armioia and Bryson Charles for being recognized in the Northern Tier Career Center, where they attend specialized classes.
Early Sunday morning, Barbara, down on Lilac Lane, had a large red fox walk right by her kitchen window. Also, she would like to remind Sullivan County Veterans that they can adopt a dog at The Animal Sanctuary in Milan for FREE! Just call Sylvia at 570-596-2200 and she will hook you up with an adorable pet for the holidays.
St. Vladimir’s Church has pierogies for sale the first and third Sunday of the month. Call 732-221-2803 to order. They can be picked up at the Church Hall from Noon to 1 p.m.
Did you know if you drink one glass of water 30 minutes before meals, it helps in digestion? Good to know, I guess.
Tyler McGuire is enjoying his Thanksgiving break here, from RIT, Rochester, NY, with his Dad, Bob, Jr., us, Brian McGuire and Nina Weslowski.
Hoping for nice weather while he is here.
Good luck hunters. Hope you get whatever you go out for.
Happy Birthday to Serenity Laird and Reese Baton, 23rd; Parker Schiele, 24th; and Cassidy Brown, 30th. Hope you all have a nice day.
Here’s a cool treat: Leftover Snickers bars from Halloween make a delicious dessert. Simply chop them up with a food chopper. Peel, core and slice a few apples. Place them in a baking dish and sprinkle the chopped candy bars over the apples. Bake at 350 degrees for 15 minutes. Serve alone or with vanilla ice cream. (If you have any Snickers bars left from Halloween.)
Brian McGuire and Nina Weslowski spent Wednesday to Sunday in Boston, MA, and enjoyed Thanksgiving with her family, especially her Nan, who is soon going to be 101 years young. God Bless this special woman.
Hopefully everyone is in good health and not being hit with the flu mug or any other germ that may be going around. Stay well, everyone.
Happy Thanksgiving to one and all. Enjoy your time with family and friends. Do take time to pray for all those that cannot be with us that day. They may be service members or working their job, but we thank them.
Enjoy your week whatever it is you may do. I know Thursday will be a busy day for a lot of folks. I hear that hunters will be out right after that, so be alert. If you’re out walking along the trails or by the woods, wear orange so they don’t think you’re something they can shoot. Be safe, everyone.
Guess that’s it for this time. Have news, call me at 570-928-9238; mail me; see me; or e-mail me at I will get it in for you. Can’t put your news in if you don’t give it to me. Thanks for reading and I’ll be here next time.