November 16, 2022
We sure had some up and down weather. We had rain, wind and cold. Friday was a heavy rain all day. Sure raised the creeks and streams and the temperature was 65 degrees. Can you believe that for November! Saturday, rain again. Sunday we had the “white stuff” and very windy. Only 36 degrees most of the day. I heard we may get some more “white stuff” during the week. YUK!! Guess we gotta put up with it; can’t do anything about it.
I apologize for the goof if last week’s paper concerning the Halloween party. It was Mary Lowden, not Pat Arcaro who was a judge. Sorry, ladies for the mix up and was glad it was brought to my attention so I could correct it.
Thank you for some anonymous donations for up-keep of Cold Spring. They are appreciated. Anyone wishing to donate may do so by sending it to Lopez Civic Association, P.O. Box 224, Lopez, PA 18628. Every little bit helps.
St. Vladimir’s Church has pierogies for sale the first and third Sunday of the month. To order, call 732-221-2803. They can be picked up at the Church Hall from Noon to 1 p.m.
Happy Anniversary to TY and Alison Lowden as they celebrate on the 17th. Have a great day!
Happy Birthday to Mike McDonald and Alek Laird, both on the 19th. Enjoy your day.
Congratulations, Ted Lowden, on winning the gun from the White Ash raffle.
Still may be some things that will be going on in the County. Check the Sully and FB and see if there’s something you may be interested in. Things are starting to wind down, but there are usually a couple things that take place.
Guess that’s about it. I see Halloween decorations are going down and Christmas decorations going up. At least I did see one big, blow up turkey on a lawn. Enjoy your week; may need the boots or shovel, but hope not yet. Have news call me at 570-928-9238; mail me; see me; or e-mail me at I will get it in for you. Stay safe; stay warm; I’ll be here next time and thanks for reading.