May 26, 2021
Well, we couldn’t have asked for a better week. We had some warm temperatures and lots of sun. Sure felt good after all the cold and frost. We may get some showers during the week, but won’t be bad with the higher temps.
Memorial Day is fast approaching. Hope you will be able to attend one or all of the parades going on in the County. Lopez parade will be at 10 a.m. in the Park. Speaker will be Bob McGuire and placing the wreath will be Heather McDonald. If any town kids would like to march, be at the Post Office by 9:45 a.m. Sam and Dorothy will be there to get you all lined up.
Joe and Diane Fanning, along with Molly, Landenberg, spent a few days at their home here. Was nice for them to get yard work done. We went to visit on Sunday afternoon and sitting on the porch we saw a mother bear, a little cub and an older cub cross the field and go down to the creek. Joe and Diane had also seen them on Friday evening.
Irene (Huray) Pequignot, Linden, spent Saturday at her home here. Was a nice day for travel.
Mother Christophora and Mother Paula, Transfiguration Orthodox Church, Ellwood City, are spending some time here at St. Nicholas House on Church Street. Hopefully the weather will be in their favor so they have a nice time during their stay.
Brian McGuire and Nina Weslowski enjoyed vacationing in Alaska and toured many places while there They did some gold panning and saw some massive glaciers and attended the wedding of their friends, Nartcy and Tanya. They went on some exciting adventures and was a great time away.
Happy Anniversary to Joe and Diane Fanning, 28th; and Joyce and Jack Walsh, 29th. Congratulations and have a nice day.
Happy Birthday to Nick DeSanto on the 29th; and Bruno Day, 31st. Have an amazing day.
B’s Gang sends birthday wishes to Sandy Pardoe as she celebrates on the 31st. Have a great day.
I keep seeing more and more hanging baskets and flower beds being done. They look nice after so much snow and frost. Hopefully they will be ok now for the summer. Soon will be time to get the gardens planted and hope they will be spared the frost and the animals getting into them.
Covid is still with us, so wear your mask, practice the 6 foot rule and wash your hands often. Maybe soon it will be a thing of the past.
I guess that’s the news for now. Enjoy your week; looks like a nice one. Have news, give me a call at 570-928-9238; mail me; see me; or e-mail me at I will put it in for you. Thanks for reading and I’ll be here next time.