May 18, 2016
WOW!!! What a weekend. Saturday was pouring down rain. Sunday was bitter cold, brutal wind and we had snow showers on and off all day. Sunday night into Monday morning was to be very cold with frost predicted….again, so anyone who had flowers and plants out had to cover them or take them inside. Thought we might have to get out the shovel again. Will summer ever get here and stay??? This weather makes it rough to try and plant a garden or get flowers in. Been trying to get some landscaping done at Cold Spring, but Mother Nature just isn’t cooperating. In time, everyone will get their work done.
There will be a dumpster at the Township Building on Saturday, the 21st, from 8 a.m. to Noon. See ad in this week’s paper to get details.
Bob McGuire is looking for a Turnpike School 1960 Year Book for a class picture. If you might have one he could borrow to copy the picture, please contact him at the info below.
HINT: “Did you know meat tenderizer can be used for bee stings? Make a paste with water and rub it into the sting hole and get relief. This is because the tenderizer contains papain, an enzyme from the papaya plant that breaks down proteins in insect poisons. By inactivating some of the venom, it dissolves some of the pain.”
Memorial Day parade in Lopez, 10 a.m., Monday, the 30th. Kids….remember to meet at the Post Office at 9:30 a.m. if you’d like to march in the parade. Speaker this year will be Rep. Tina Pickett.
St. Vladimir’s Church has pierogies for sale. To order, please call 570-928-1099.
Don’t know if there were any local turkey hunters. Haven’t heard of any so far.
Don’t have a whole lot of news this week. Guess most are just staying home until the weather warms up and they can enjoy coming.
Happy Birthday wishes to Tanya Stasiak, 25th; Michele Craig, 26th; Nick DeSanto, 29th, and Bruno Day, 31st. Hope you all have a good day.
B’s gang sends Happy Birthday wishes to Sandy Pardoe as she celebrates on the 31st. Have a good one.
Happy Anniversary to Tony and Patti Sneidar, 26th; Joe and Diane (Charnik) Fanning, 28th; and Jack and Joyce Walsh, 29th. Have a super day.
Guess that’s the news for now. Enjoy your week. Might have to put the heavy jacket back on, but get out anyway. Have news call me at 570-928-9238; mail me; see me; or e-mail me at I’ll get it in for you. Thanks for reading and I’ll be here next time.