May 12, 2021
Hope everyone had an enjoyable Mother’s Day weekend. The weather sure didn’t help things. It was a miserable weekend with rain, wind and clouds. Sunday morning we had frost and only 22 degrees. Yuk! Its been raining all afternoon and evening on Sunday. Good day for ducks.
I heard only Tuesday and Wednesday this week are to be nice. The other days rain, rain, rain. With this rain ending and the sun warming things up, the grass is going to grow like crazy We can only hope that we will eventually get some summery days with warm sunshine. Even though it has been cool and rainy, the hummingbirds have been slurping at the feeder during the day.
Congratulations to Kyler and Paige Burke for making the Distinguished Honor Roll. Congratulations also to Serena Armioia, Ruby Malkemes, Charles Armioia, John Camelo and Karson Musani for making the Honor Roll. Great job to these students.
Adel Bradshaw, West Chester, thought winter was over so she came to her home on Church Street for a few days. Was she surprised at how cold and rainy it was. She said winter is still with us. Hopefully next time she comes, she won’t have to wear her winter coat.
The next Civic meeting will be on Wednesday, the 19th at 6 p.m. at the Township Building since I don’t think Mother Nature is going to cooperate just yet to hold meetings at the Pavilion.
Don’t forget! The Civic Association Flea Market will be on Saturday, June 5th, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Check your attic, basement and garage and see what you may not want to keep any more. Bring it to the Flea Market and make yourself a couple of bucks. Have questions? Call me at the number at the end of my news.
The Martinez family spent a few days over Orthodox Easter at St. Nicholas House and helped with the Easter services at the Church.
The reports are that the corona virus numbers are going down and then they show the maps and reports on TV and they have been going up in certain areas. I guess we aren’t out of the woods yet.. So, wear your mask, practice the six foot distance and wash your hands often.
Happy birthday to Jase Lowden and Les Isett, 14th; Cory McDonald and Deacon Burke, 15th; and Marian Hubiak, 19th. Hope you all have a fantastic day.
That’s the news for now. Enjoy your week. Be like a duck and go out anyway. Wear your boots and take your umbrella and just do it. Have news? Call me at 570-928-9238; mail me; see me; or e-mail me at I will put it in for you. Please get it to me by 6 p.m. on Sunday evening.
Thanks for reading and I’ll be here next time. Comments always welcome.