March 30, 2022
Good morning!! It’s 6 a.m. on Monday morning and it’s a “balmy” 12 degrees and windy. I think Mother Nature is still giving us some bad weather. March is going out like a lion. The week was up and down in temperature and the wind just never seems to quit blowing. Sunday was cold, windy and snowy off and on. We still do have a few days for her to get with the program and give us some nice weather.
Bob and I were at our 52nd Annual Che-Hanna Gem and Mineral show over the weekend, held at the Wysox Fire Hall. Had a great turn out and I think everyone had an enjoyable time. Even saw some folks from Sullivan County. With the weather not being so nice, more came to the show, rather than do outside work. We had a great number of kids who enjoyed the mini mine and cabochon making. Everyone liked the geode cutting where you saw what was in the rock when it was cut open. UVBOB did fluorescent mineral presentations and Anna did programs on fossils and dinosaurs. The educational displays were a hit and people got to purchase some really nice things from the eleven dealers we had there. All in all, was a great show. Hope to see you at next year’s show the Fourth weekend in March.
The bear was back at our house over night on Friday night. Got up Saturday morning and our bird feed was on the ground, smashed so not even fixable. Took down the two suet feeders before he got them too. Our son said the bear was at his house and took down his suet feeders he had hanging on the porch. I’m sure he was at other places too.
With the warmer weather coming, I hope, here is something to do, especially with wearing of sandals. Get rid of toenail fungus by soaking your toes in Listerine mouthwash. The powerful antiseptic leaves your toes looking healthy again. That’s one that will have to be tried.
I wasn’t home over the weekend so don’t really know who was around or what went on. I just know it was COLD and WINDY. Most probably just hunkered down at home, unless they went to the Che-Hanna show.
You can always keep an eye on the Sully for up-coming activities going on around the County. Someone mentioned fishing season started. A good person’s news to get all that information is Linda Riebe who writes the Forksville news. She’s a wealth of information when it comes to that. Connie Hatch is another good one. She writes the Estella news. She’ll even tell you about the evil chipmunks and other little animals she has at her house.
Happy Birthday to V Rev Andrew Matychak who celebrates on April 5th. Hope you have a nice day.
B’s Gang says Happy Birthday and many more to Tim Higley on April 1st. And, that” no April Fool’s joke.
Happy Anniversary to Julio and Mary (Maximiek) Santiago who celebrate their anniversary on the 5th. Have a great day and many more.
I think that’s about it for now. Enjoy your week, even if it’s a little chilly. It HAS to warm up soon. Have news call me, before 6 p.m. on Sunday evening at 570-928-9238; snail mail me; see me; or e-mail me at I will get it in for you. I will be here next time and thanks for reading. Comments are always welcome. Stay warm; stay safe.