March 24, 2021
We are starting to get some nicer weather, after some cold, frosty mornings. Saturday I had 12 degrees with frost and Sunday frost but I didn’t get the low in time. We did have 60 degrees late Sunday afternoon. Felt so good. Was a perfect day for a walk and fresh air. Check out Sam’s weather report. I did hear we are to get some nice, sunny, warm days during the week, with maybe some rain late on Thursday. With the snow and ice melting away, its starting to look so much better.
Don’t have much to report. Soon, we might start seeing folks coming to their summer homes and cabins to check things out. They will probably start the process of cleaning up from the winter weather.
Gee, haven’t even seen any deer, birds or turkeys lately. We do have woodpeckers at the suet feeder and our buddy, “Chippy” from last year. He’s back and ready for the corn and bird seed.
Birthday wishes to Irene Risser, 28th; Heather McDonald and Trevor Kinsey, 30th. Have a nice day.
Our Che-Hanna Rock and Mineral Club was cancelled for the end of March due to Covid. It has been rescheduled for October 9th and 10th at the Wysox Fire Hall. Mark your calendar now and take a trip to enjoy our show. There will be a mini-mine for the kids to try their hand at; geode cutting where you can get a geode cut and find out what’s inside; and dealers with all kinds of things for you to buy. It’s a great little show.
Don’t forget to support the small local businesses as they try to stay afloat until this craziness is over. Remember to wear your mask, practice social distancing and wash your hands often. If you don’t feel well, stay home.
That about sums it up for now. Enjoy your week, whatever you might get involved in. Have news, give me a call at 570-928-9238; mail me; see me; or e-mail me at I will put it in for you. Thanks for reading and I’ll be here next time.
I sure do, Mrs. Ortlieb was such a nice lady